Chapter 5: Game Changer

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Author's note: Hey everyone. I want to apologize for how long it's been since I published anything. I've had a lot going on in my life but I'm going to try to write a little more. Anyways, sorry again!

And the Ice Dragons have done it! A shocking turn of events! They are headed to the championship tournament!

Korra and Asami walked, hand in hand, from the stadium. "Well, I don't think that Kiara's a great probender, but her waterbending skills are good. I'm willing to bet she just got suckered into a team." Korra said, analyzing the match they just saw together.

Asami chuckled at her girlfriend. "Maybe, but you have to admit that Himiko girl is great. She reminds me of Mako, actually. She had that trademark Cool under Pressure firebending style that Mako used in the ring."

As they arrived to the car, and got in the back, their driver started driving. "Thanks, Asami. I needed a night out. Plus, I'm glad everything that happened didn't destroy the stadium, and they were able to repair it for the matches." She said.

Asami nodded, as she leaned into Korra. "To be honest, I almost didn't bring you. I thought returning to that place might be too hard on you but... you seem fine. Are you?" She asked, looking up at Korra.

Korra nodded in response. "Yes, I am. Honestly I wasn't even all that hurt to begin with, Asami."

Asami sighed. "I know, I know. It's just... I almost lost you. I haven't felt that scared in... ever." She said. "I don't ever want to lose you." She wrapped her arms around Korra's waist and held her tight.

Korra kissed her head lovingly, and rested her own against Asami. "Don't worry, Asami. I'm around for the long haul, and I'm not letting you go. Ever."

Asami smiled and sat up a bit, so she could look Korra in the eye. "Good." She kissed the Avatar deeply, then went back to resting against her.

"Hey Asami?" Korra started, feeling a lump in her throat. She couldn't believe what she was about to say. She never planned to ask it this way, and she didn't even have her ring but... the moment felt so right. "Would you..."

SLAM!!! The car was sent skidding across the street, and slammed into the wall of a building. Korra groaned in pain, and looked over to Asami. The door to their car was pulled open, as 3 men approached the car.

"As...asami..." She moaned out, as she reached over to her. The Future Industries CEO was pulled out of the car, and they put cuffs around her wrists.

Korra pulled herself out of the car, and struggled to her feet. "No! Asami!" She screamed. She watched Asami get loaded into the men's car.

Korra's rage filled her up. Her eyes turned bright white, and her body began ignoring it's own pain and injuries.

"GO GO GO!!!" The lead man yelled, as they started driving away. Korra spun around quick, creating a whirlwind of air around her. She used it to fly at incredible speed towards the fleeing car.

One of the men looked out the window, and sent a string of fire blasts at the approaching Avatar. Korra used her air torrent to blow the attacks away, so the man had to up his juice. He quickly sent a string of lightning bolts at her. Korra dodged the first 2, but the next one made direct contact.

Korra fell down towards the ground, but caught herself on an air scooter. She sped back towards the car, and pulled her arms up a few times. Each one sent a block of earth up from the road, rocking the car. After a few, the car toppled onto it's side.

Korra landed as the 3 men got out. Lightning zapped around her, and she went into instinctive dodging techniques. She didn't even feel like herself... She wasn't the type to fight using cut and run dodging techniques... Her memory began to flash as she did. Almost like she was someone else, fighting these same enemies...

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