Chapter 4: The Message

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"Chief Beifong, I want to thank you for saving my life." The President, the Police Chief, and Mako were all in the President's office. After Lin and Zhu-Li shook hands, they all took their seats.

"Thank you, Madam President, but to be honest, we'd never have found you without the efforts of Detective Mako here, and Avatar Korra." Lin said, looking back to the young firebender.

A mutual silence fell over the room for a moment, before being broken by the President. "I'm surprised Korra isn't here." She mentioned, looking between the cops.

Mako cleared his throat, awkwardly. "Yeah uh, Asami ordered her to stay home for a couple of days to recover."

Lin turned to the firebender, eyebrow raised and some surprise in her eyes. "And she listened?"

Mako chuckled a bit to himself. "When it comes to Korra, Asami can be pretty persuasive."

Zhu-Li smiled a bit at that, before her face hardened again. "So, what are we doing about the White Sun? They are clearly becoming emboldened." She asked, leaning back in her chair.

The Chief pulled out a small file folder and set it on the President's desk. "Unfortunately, there's not much to do. This is all we have, and it's not much. Even the Creeping Crystals Triad, who we used to find you, have gone to ground. They're in hiding." She explained.

"The men we've captured don't say anything, either. Dead silent." Mako added.

The President listened with some disappointment. She knew Lin and Mako were doing all they could but this wasn't good. "We need more. Much more. There has to be some angle we're missing." She said, thoughtfully.

"What I can't figure out," Mako started. "why did the White Sun kidnap you? I mean, they didn't kill you or ransom you. They basically gave you right back. Yet, they said they got everything they wanted from taking you..."

"It's actually pretty obvious." Lin said, looking over to Mako. "It's a clear message. 'How can you protect Republic City, when you can't even protect your President.'"


The blue eyes opened up, and looked around the lavish bedroom. One of the perks of dating a rich CEO, you live really well. As she sat up, the Avatar sighed a bit. She loved waking up next to Asami, so when she didn't it was rather disappointing.

Korra exited their bedroom, dressed in a blue robe over some pajamas, and walked to the kitchen. There, looking stunning, was her girlfriend, preparing a tray of fruits. When she saw Korra approaching she groaned and made sweeping gesture towards her. "Go back to bed! I'll bring this to you!" She called.

Korra chuckled and walked up to Asami, planting a kiss on her lips and holding her waist. "Babe, I love you, but you do not have to wait on me hand and foot. I feel fine."

Asami shook her head and pulled a chair out, pushing Korra into it. "Yes, actually I do. You almost died, Korra. I almost lost you." She said, getting on her knees in front of Korra and taking her hands. "And plus, I kind of owe you an apology."

Korra leaned forward to look into Asami's gorgeous green eyes. "No. You don't. If anyone needs to apologize, it's me. I was acting like an idiot, and I didn't take your feelings into consideration, per usual."

Asami shook her head and sat up, so their eyes were level. "Hey, no. You always worry about me and my feelings. We were all stressed out with the President missing, and I should have listened to you more."

"Asami, if you had listened to me, we might not have found the President. You were right, and I was just being selfish, and stubborn."

Asami chuckled and squeezed Korra's hand. "Can we just move on from this? We both made mistakes."

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