Chapter 8: Endgame

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"Ok. This is it." Korra said. She was standing before the all too familiar warehouse, with Asami, Bolin, Mako, Lin, and Tenzin behind her. "I saw Zhaku fall off this building."

Tenzin stroked his greying beard and studied the area. "Hm... I don't recall anything about this place, but if you say the White Sun used to be headquartered here, something has to be here."

"Yeah. My parents." Korra rushed into the building. Inside, it was dark, and dusty. It looked like no one had been here in decades.

The team spread out, looking around. Mako and Korra used flames to see better, but most of them just stayed in the areas the light touched.

Lin was the first to say what they all were thinking. "Nothing's here. They clearly abandoned this place long ago." There was a collective wave of disappointment between them.

"Indeed we did." A voice said in the darkness. "It was surprising to follow you here of all places. My name is Kuyin." A man in a dark suit came out from the shadows. He had darker skin, and short brown hair. "I was supposed to talk to you sooner, but my curiosity got the better of me. I assume this means you've spoken to Avatar Aang."

The team was all ready to fight. Ambushes were the White Sun's bread and butter, so they were prepared. Korra, however, was much more aggressive. She immediately grabbed the man by the collar, and slammed him against the wall. She lit a dagger of fire and held it to the man. "Where are my parents?!" She yelled in his face.

The man was amused. She knew Korra couldn't harm him, not without risking more than she could bargain with. "Safe. In fact, your mother is here in the city. Would you like to see her?" He offered, an eerie smile on his face.

Korra groaned a bit. "Let me guess. You'll release her if I turn myself over to you?" She asked.

The man chuckled a bit. "Well good, you're familiar with this gambit. This time, however, things will be different. For your father is no where near the city, but we are in radio connection with his guards. If you play any games, his life is forfeit." Korra gritted her teeth. Her mind ran through a million scenarios, most of them involving unspeakable harm to this man... but she dropped him, and stepped back. He brushed himself off, and sighed. "I thought so. Come to this location in 24 hours, and your mother will be released."

Korra took a piece of folded paper from him. "I'll be there."


"Absolutely not!!!" Tenzin shouted. Korra stood on air temple island, in Tenzins living room, listening to him rant. "You cannot do this! When has this ever worked out well for you, Korra?!"

Korra glared into his eyes. "I don't care! I have to. There's no choice. No arguments. No discussion." She said, as she moved to the exit, where Asami waited. "You understand, right?" She asked Asami. Part of her hoped she'd say no. She hoped Asami would tell her she had a plan. She hated feeling this defeated...

"I do, Korra." The Avatar's girlfriend responded. "I know you have to do this." She leaned in, and locked their lips together.

Korra held onto this moment for as long as she could, but she knew she had to go. Time was running out... So she left. She had so many things she wanted to say. She wanted to say she loved her... she needed her... but anything she said would only make this harder.

As the door closed behind the Avatar, Tenzin spoke. "Please tell me you aren't actually planning to let her go." He said.

Asami shook her head. "Hell no. My plan is already in motion."

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