Chapter 7: Memories

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Focus. Breathe. In... Out... In... Out... Korra had meditated a thousand times before. This should be no different... right?

Except it was. She was trying to use a bridge that was broken. She didn't even know how to cross it...

Korra sat in her meditative position, in a secluded area away from the Southern Water Tribe city. Years ago, she sat in this very spot and forged her original connection to her past lives, the place where Aang restored her bending abilities, after Amon removed them.

Back in Katara's hut, all Korra's friends waited patiently. They knew Korra needed space to do this alone... The only one missing was Chief Beifong.

"I'm sick of this." Mako started. "There's got to be something we can do other than sit and wait."

Bolin approached his brother. "Mako, chiiiiiiiilllllllllllll. It'll be ok." He said.

"He's right, Mako." Tenzin added. "Korra has to do this alone. Only she can reforge this connection." He finished.

"Well somebody better wake her up." Lin, who had just entered the hut, responded. "I just got off the radio with Republic City. Get Korra in here now." She ordered.

Tenzin frowned at the police chief. "Lin, she is in a deep meditation. This is important."

Lin scoffed. "Yeah well she's going to want to hear this, and now."

"I've got it." Asami said, before walking out to where Korra sat. She sat beside her and put a hand on Korra's shoulder. "Babe... we need you to wake up."

Korra's eyes opened, and she looked down in defeat. "Hey, Asami..." She said. "Don't worry, I wasn't even meditating, really. I just couldn't get there. I failed..." She said.

Asami had a lot to say, but she knew that Lin's news was more important. "Come on. We can talk about it later. Chief Beifong has something to tell you."

The young couple returned to Katara's hut. "What's so important?" Korra asked Lin, the moment she entered the hut.

Lin sighed and walked to the Avatar. "Korra, brace yourself, ok? My officers found the guards outside your parents apartment dead this morning."

The room was shaken, in fear of what she'd say next. "What..." Korra's heart dropped. "Are my parents..."

Lin shook her head. "I don't know. No one has seen them... Korra you need to prepare yourself-" Lin was cut off by the Avatar storming out of the hut.

Asami ran out after her. "Korra! Stop!" She shouted, chasing her girlfriend across the snow. She grabbed Korra's hand and stopped her. "Korra, look at me."

Korra turned to Asami, tears pouring down her face. "I can't lose them, Asami. I can't!" The young Avatar flung herself into Asami's arms, crying hard.


Mako kicked a garbage can across the room. Him, Chief Beifong, and Bolin had been going over the crime scene for an hour now, and one thing had become clear to him. "We're not going to find anything here!" He yelled out in anger.

Lin growled a bit at him. "Not when you contaminate the crime scene like that." She barked at him. "Someone has to know something about where Tonraq and Senna are."

Bolin sighed, and opened their cupboards. "Well... we can't let this go bad." He said, as he picked up an apple and bit into it.

Lin slapped her hand onto her face. "I'm getting Korra. Maybe she can tell us if anything's out of place."

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