Chapter 9: Return of the King

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"Mako, dodge left!" Bolin called, sending a rock straight at Mako's head. His brother ducked to the left, and the rock made direct contact with an assailant's head. Mako used his momentum to spin, sending a wave of fire at the last enemy. The brothers stood, surrounded by unconscious bodies. "Well, that was fun."

Mako sighed and gave his brother a high five. "Nice work. Now let's get through this wall." He said. He began shooting fire at the ice block, trying to melt it down. Bolin forged his rocks into a lava blade to do the same. "This is going to take forever..."

In the Oasis, Korra stood, eyes locked on the woman. "Who are you?" She asked.

The woman smirked a bit. "Not enough familial resemblance? I did hear you lost connections with your past lives... Shame. Makes this less satisfying. Well..." She gave Tonraq's hair a yank. "Only a little."

Korra gritted her teeth. "You're Zhaku's daughter. Zhao's granddaughter." She realized.

The woman nodded. "Well done Avatar, but you can call me Toitzu." She said.

"Korra, leave! Get out of here!" Tonraq screamed, which gave him another yank.

"Quiet! She came for a reason. She's here because I want her here." Toitzu responded.

Asami studied the woman, looking for weak spots. "What are you doing here in the Spirit Oasis?" The CEO asked.

"Haven't figured it out?" She asked. "I'm here to correct history. My Grandfather had a vision, had a plan. His only flaw was that he thought too small."

Korra stepped forward. "You can't kill the moon spirit!" She shouted. "You'll throw the world into chaos!"

Toitzu rolled her eyes. "No kidding. I'm not stupid." She finally let go of Tonraq, pushing him onto the ground. "The world depends on the Moon Spirit. So, I'm going to take it for myself."

Tonraq groaned, as he tried to stand. He was weak, and could barely stand. "Idiot! You can't control the Moon Spirit!" He shouted.

The White Sun leader laughed loudly. "Oh but I can! I can hold the Moon Spirit over the world. Every government would bow to our authority, pleading for their beloved moon back! We would rule the world without a war, without battle, we would be one unified nation!"

"You're sick, Toitzu." Korra spat at her. "You'll destroy everything on a false dream, and I won't let you."

Toitzu took a defensive pose. "Why did you think I brought you here, Avatar? I wanted you here, now. I'll kill you, avenging my father, and my grandfather. Then, you'll be out of the way for my plans."

Korra glared at her, taking a strong pose herself. "Asami, get my father out of here." She asked.

As if on queue, Mako and Bolin melted down the remainder of the wall. "Mako, help me get Tonraq." Asami said.

Toitzu clearly had no more interest in Tonraq, as she didn't move when Asami and Mako helped Tonraq to his feet, and guided him to the exit. "We'll be right back, Korra." Mako said. "Bolin, watch our backs while we get him to a healer's hut!"

Her allies now gone, Korra stood, face to face with her enemy. "What are we waiting for?" The Avatar asked.

Toitzu wasted no more time. She sent 5 quick but strong blasts of fire straight at Korra. She was a machine, but Korra was ready. She leapt into the air, using a current of wind. She flew over Toitzu's head, sending several firebolts at the woman.

Toitzu sprinted to the side, and sent a steady stream of fire right where she thought Korra would be. Taking a direct hit, Korra was sent into the ice wall of the Oasis. She surrounded herself in water, blocking the next string of fire from Toitzu.

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