Chapter 1: Strong Desires

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Sirens blaring, and engines roaring, the night was filled with the sounds. A police motorcycle tore through the streets, racing at high speeds. It rounded a corner and drove right off the side of a bridge, landing neatly on the road beneath. The bike stopped and the officer turned, blasting a van headed right for him with lightning.

The lightning slammed into the van, causing it to skid to a stop. The officer removed his helmet, setting it on the seat of his bike, and walked to the passenger seat. "Hello, Wiya." He said looking into the van, seeing a woman at the driver's seat. He pulled her out of the car and let her lean against the van. "Who hired you?"

The woman groaned and held her head. "Ugh... I don't know, OK? Why would I tell you anything, Mako?" She asked, glaring at the cop angrily.

"You triple threats have been making serious moves. Big moves. I want to know why. I know how you operate, Wiya. Tell me who hired the Triple Threats and I'll see what I can do about your jailhouse accommodations."

The woman groaned, cursing at the cops tactic. It was an offer she was having trouble refusing. After all, it was either that or she dealt with Beifong, and Beifong wasn't near this pleasant. "Fine. We were hired by the White Sun-" She was cut off by a shard of ice, impaling her neck.

Mako spun on his heel, creating 2 daggers of fire and sprinting at the Assailant, wore a black outfit, with some equipment and various slots of daggers, and a belt with containers to store small items. The whole outfit was pitch black, except for a White Sun symbol on his chest. He wore a black mask that covered everything below his nose, and his icy blue eyes sent daggers at the firebender from under his long, black hair, which tied into a ponytail.

The assailant glared at Mako as he stood, eyes locked. Then, the man took off down an alleyway, and Mako chased behind him. Turning sharp corners, and moving through the city as fast as they could, the man continued running from Mako. Mako couldn't catch up, but the man wasn't getting any further away either. The assassin leapt over a fence, flawlessly, and continued running down the alley.

Mako was impressed by his agility, but he knew how to chase someone. He leapt up, using his firebending to blast himself to the roof, and began leaping from the rooftops, keeping an eye on the assailant.

The man noticed him and quickly used his waterbending to make an ice staircase, up to the roof, and continued guiding Mako by rooftop.

The Man couldn't seem to shake Mako, no matter how many times he turned a sharp corner or went around a tall building to be out of sight.

Eventually, Mako found him standing on a flat roofed building, waiting for him. Mako landed, panting a bit, and summoned fire in his hands. "You're under arrest!" He shouted, glaring at the man.

The man glared at him, as, seeming from nowhere, several other men and women dressed the exact same appeared, jumping up from the ground. They surrounded Mako, and took fighting stances.

Mako's eyes widened, but quickly focused in, sending a fiery glare at the men. "Well? What are we waiting for?"


Korra shifted under the covers, groaning slightly as an arm fell over her, fitting like a puzzle piece into her hip and around her stomach. A smile formed on the Avatar's lips as she felt the body press against her back.

"Good Morning, Avatar Korra." A woman whispered into the brunette's ear, her words echoing and playing with her emotions. Korra chuckled and turned over, looking her girlfriend in the eye.

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