Crossover 5

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I was a little panicked from Mrs Walker and I was at the skate park pacing back in forth. Phoenix wanted to play with some of the other serpents, so i let her.

"Bambi? Bambi, what is it?" Toni asked as her, Sweets, Juggie and Fangs arrived

"She came to my house,she came to my freaking house, Toni, while Nixie was there. Someone told!" i freaked and she held my arms softly

"Hey calm down you're not making any sense" she told me

"Mrs Walker, someone left her a note pointing her in my direction, saying Hannah and Jessica weren't the only one's she found me and came to my house."

"What did you say to her?" Fangs wondered

"In the end what she wanted to hear, her son was a monster what he did to me, when, even how, I got so mad and so loud I woke Nixie up."

"Does she know about her?" Sweets questioned

"Well, when you're the only one home and your daughter calls for Mama, what other explanation is there? She's my sister, sure cause she sure looks like it."

"What happened then?" Toni asked

"She figured it out, I didn't deny it, but I had to get out of there. I made her leave."

"Is she going to tell him?" Jughead came forward actually speaking

"I hope not. There was what seemed like a silent understanding, but I don't know." I replied


The next week went by in a blur, Clay spent more time hanging around with me and the Serpents, when he came up with a ridiculous idea.

"I wanna join the serpents?" he stated. I was drinking a soda when he said it and I spit the contents out in shock

"Say what now?"

"I wanna join the serpents." he says again, I look at Jughead in amazement.

"We don't let in insiders." Sweet Pea huffs.

"Bullshit, Cheryl, Archie hell even Veronica is a honorary one. Betty is Serpent Queen even though she's in a different town." i say

"Why do you want to become one?" Judge asked

"Because of what you guys stand for, how you are with each other. I've had a lot of unstableness in my life and I never really thought I fit in, until you guys showed up, i started hanging around with you and something changed." He  looked down shyly. I looked at Jug and gave him a nod he did the same

"Clay if you do this you have to go through initiation, all of us did, it's gonna be tough."

"I can do it."  I sigh and shrug.


That night the boys left Clay with Hot Dog who Sweet pea had brought over from Riverdale when we left. The next day I was talking with Clay.

"So how is it going?" I wonder

"Do they always do that, break into your house and leave youth a dog?" I laugh

"Yeah, Hot Dog, Serpent mascot the easiest part of the test."

"Not when you have to explain to your parents why a dog showed up out of no where."

"Clay wait." I stop him

"Listen when I say these tests mean something they get harder and being a serpent is commitment, if you make it through you're a serpent and that's a big deal you'll be there for them and they'll be there for you. I'm living proof."

"I know."

"I don't think you'll do, you haven't even told your parents about what you're doing, they're not like mine, when i had hot dog they didn't batter an eye lid, they were there asI recited the laws and watched me show no fear when they last few months was nothing but, the final part I was made exempt because of my pregnancy."

"What's the final part."

"What I will say is that everyone will notice it. You have to be completely sure because once your a serpent there's no changing it well unless your exiled or forcibly removed but that rarely happens." I sigh

"Come on you need to learn the laws." I pulled him away


"What is the fifth law?"

"A serpent...A serpent." he sighs banging his head on the table

"A serpent never betrays their own."

"I knew that."

"Really because you have to know them by tonight you've been learning this for a almost a week."

"I will know them."

"Then let's start from the top."


"What is fourth law!" Jughead shouted at Clay.

"No Serpent is left for dead!" he replied

"What is the fifth law!"

"A serpent never betrays their own."

"What is the sixth law."

"In unity there is strength!"

"In unity there is strength." we all called Jughead seemed impressed as we all became silent

"You know the laws, good. Now it is time for the next trial." Sweets and Fangs moved away to reveal our rattle snake protecting the knife. Clay looked terrified, he looked at me and gave him a nod, he gulped and stepped forward, he put his hand in the tank and the snake tried to bite him but he took his hand away fast. He took a deep breath before plunging his hand to grab the knife, the snake bit him just as he pulled out. he grunted but lifted the knife up, we all cheered

A snake bit me, Amber. A snake." he put a plaster on his hand

"One that had it's venom glands removed the most important thing is you remembered the laws and you showed no fear."

"Could this get any worse."

"You're seriously asking like that, the fourth one is the most difficult."

"What is it?" I sigh


"The Gauntlet."

"What can you tell me?"

"It's the hardest, because they're going to come at you and you've got to get back up no matter what."


I stood at the end with Jughead holding a serpent jacket. It was the last trial for Clay, the gauntlet. He stood at the other end and glanced at me I gave him a thumbs up and he nodded it began. Every serpent took their shot at him and then some but he listen to my advice, whatever pain he was in he stood back up again, he reached Jughead.

"Is that it?" he spit out blood and Jughead punched him sending him to the ground I silently prayed for him to get back up. He did and and I breathed a sigh of relief. Jughead held out his hand and Clay took it, shaking it. i grinned and came over with his new Serpent jacket. I held it out and he slipped his arms into the sleeves.

He was now a serpent

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