Hiram x Reader - Daddy's Princess Confession

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Where you are Hiram's older daughter and you finally confess the truth to him and Hermione

Hiram x Reader - Daddy's Princess Confesses

You was laid out on the sofa at my boyfriends Reggie's, you were watching a football game, well he was watching you was reading, neither of you minded, just the fact you were together was good enough for you . Your phone started ringing and you looked at it. It was your sister Ronnie.

"Hey sis." You answered

"Y/N did you know Mom and Dad were still taking payments from the St Clair's." You felt the blood and life drain from your face and gulped

"They what." You whispered as you got up and went for you bag

"Yes, I mean after what that scum did to Cheryl."

"Where are you now?"

"I'm at Archies, going home."

"No, stay there with him, I'll talk to them. Pass the phone to Archie." you ordered

"What? Why."

"Now.!" there was a sigh and the changing of hands."


"Archie, do me a favour will you." You started slipping your shoes on


"Keep Ronnie, with you, she is not allowed home till I tell you."

"What's going on."


"Okay, is everything alright."

"It will be" You replied "It's just I need to do something and she can't be around when I do it. so just keep her with you away from the Pembroke."


"Bye." You hung up and went to your boyfriend who was now no longer paying attention to the game but had his eyes on you and was standing.

"Are you okay."

"I need to go. But I promise that I will see you tomorrow."

"You're not coming back." You gave him a soft kiss

"No, I have a feeling it will be a long night." You left and drove back to the Pembroke. You made your way upstairs and through the door your parents were playing chess.

"Are you still doing business with the St Clairs, letting them invest in the So Dale contract. After what Nick did?" Hiram held his hand up trying to calm you down.

" To be fair, Cheryl's accusations...." You cut him off

"Cheryl's telling the truth! I know because Nick did it to me." Your Dad's demeanour changed as you felt a tear roll down your cheek

"Nick St Clair hurt you."

"Five months before you got arrested." You started going to sit down on the sofa. You parents joined you at either side.

"You grounded Vee for over doing it again, so it was Nick and a few friends with me. I was reckless back then I was crazy and I got away with it. He was buying the drinks, later on in the night, I was feeling off and Nick offered to take me home only he didn't." You curled up having flashbacks of that night

"Mi hija." Your Dad wrapped his arms around you as your Mom rubbed your back, now in complete tears

"I was so scared and confused and tired. He kept....he kept saying to be quiet and I tried I swear I tried but he..."

"Shhh, Shhh. It's okay."

"The next morning, he was smiling as if nothing happened, he tried to feed me these lies but I wasn't having it. He said I was asking for it, the way I dressed, the way I acted."

"It wasn't your fault." Mom soothed you

"That's why I wasn't around for a few days. I just ran, ran from him, ran from you, ran from life. I went to a hospital I spoke to people but I couldn't get what he said out of my head."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Mom wondered

"I was ashamed, I could have stopped it, I could have done so many things but I didn't. I felt no one would believe me with my less than sparkling track record for doing stuff I shouldn't" You Dad made you look at him

"No, you trusted him, we all did and Y/N I swear to you..."

"Under no circumstances will we take a penny from that family." Your Mom cut him off.

"Come pequeño." Your Mom took you to your room. She sat you down on the bed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

"It's I that should be apologising, I'm sorry you went through that." Your Dad came in as you laid down on the bed.

"I promise that I will make it all better." You looked at him and took his hand.

"But it's not the worst part." You sniffled

"What else is there?" he wondered as he ran his hand through your hair, something that always soothed you to sleep and it was working all too fast.

"He got me pregnant." you mumbled falling into darkness


When you woke up groggy eyed, you turned in your bed and realised that you had been changed, it wasn't surprising after your Dad had soothed you to sleep you were conked out, Mom must have changed you. You checked your phone and saw 5 missed calls from Reggie and 10 text from Ronnie. You got out of bed and grabbed your robe waling into the living room where you parents were playing another game of chess. You called Veronica.

"Y/N I have been trying to get a hold of you for hours, where have you been."

"You can come home now, I'll send Andre to come and pick you up." you huffed down the phone and sat on the sofa where hours earlier you had been crying a confession out.

"Sis are you okay?"

"I'll see you soon." You hang up and call Andre to pick Veronica up. After she came home she was laughing at you with questions.

"Veronica, leave you sister alone, she's been through a lot."

"Like what, Dad and please tell me your still not investing with..."

"No, we are not. After a discussion with your sister, she has advised us against it." Ronnie looked at you as you were eating a bowl of cookie dough ice cream that your father had gotten you

"She did."

"Yes. Now let that be the end of it." Your sister sat down on the other end of the sofa.

"What did you say to them?" she whispered

"The truth." You muttered, when you had finished you were relaxing when the phone rang. Your mother went to answer it.

"Hello...I'm so sorry to hear that, give them our prayers. Thank you Andre." Your Mom put the phone down and you opened your eyes.

"Everything alright?" Your father questioned

"The St Clairs, were in a car accident. They were run off the road." You sat up to face them

"Nick, he will recover, but it will take some months." Your Mom took a sip of her wine as you shared a look with your sister.

"Oh, well." Your parents looked at you "Karma is a bitch." you stood up and went to kiss your parents goodnight. You stopped at your Dad.

"Thank you Daddy." you whisper

"Sleep tight mi hija." He kissed your cheek and you went to bed.

If you have been a victim of a sexual assault of any kind be brave and speak out here are some websites with information that can help.



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