Sweet Pea - Serpent Charming 3

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-Sweet Pea-

I made my way up to Jones and slapped his shoulder grabbing his attention.

"What do you want Sweet Pea?" he asked slightly annoyed but I ignored it.

"What's the deal with the Arkwright girl." I asked, if I was going to get answers then it had to be from Jones seen as he was her best friend.

"You mean Amelia. What do you mean?"

"What's going on?" Fangs joined us and i sighed

"i finally spoke to her man. She totally blocked me."


"Wait now i'm confused." Jones furred his eyebrows.

"Sweets here has the hots for your bestie. Amelia right?" he slapped my shoulder and i shrugged him off.

"Will you let me finish." the shut up

"I've been wanting to talk to her for ages, i didn't know what to say, but the other day when she threw that right hook at the Bulldog."

"that was some punch." Fangs commented

"I know right, so i told her i was impressed i talked to her, and she completely shut me down. So i tried again today and she shut me down again thinking you sent me to her, what is going on with her man?" Something clicked in Jones's head and he sighed

"Amelia, is sensitive she takes on a lot more than anyone realises and she takes things to heart. For example when a guy she likes doesn't like her back."

"I still don't get it."

"I don't know how much I should tell you. It's her story."

"Tell me enough to make her understand."

"She thinks i'm trying to set her up with you. She must think i feel pity with I do but I never did anything."

"Wait she thinks me flirting with her, complementing her and all that is a set up."

"She must do."

"Does this have anything to do with the guy she's been punching out her frustration."

"Huh." Jones said

"Yeah, everyday for nearly two months she's been punching that bag pretending it's some else. Wait now i get it. Now I wanna punch this guy." I growl and storm off


I was on my own at the punching bag when it became more resistant someone was holding it. I looked up and saw Sweet Pea. i took out my headphones.

"Jones, didn't send me."

"What?" I panted

"Jughead, he didn't send me earlier or now actually. I was telling the truth earlier when I said i've been wanting to talk to you for a while." I went over to get some water.

"So, you're telling me this because?"

"You got me all wrong. Look, i don't know this guy who hurt you but whoever he was he's an ass."

"What did Jug tell you."

"Almost nothing but i figured it out, believe it or not I'm smart. A guy hurt you in whatever way most likely made you feel like you weren't enough and it probably wasn't just him and all that anger has built up till your dad brought you here. But i'm not one of those people, I noticed you before and after your epic takedown, I honestly didn't know what to say to you until you did and I want to keep talking to you and get to know you."

"I'm not looking for another friend thanks, I have enough for now."

"Good neither am I" I raised and eyebrow at him.

"Go out on a date with me."

"Excuse me." I laughed slightly

"One date, if I impress you then there can be a second if I don't then, I'll leave you alone." he told me

"I'm not desperate."

"I never thought you were I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow?" I breathed heavily not believing  my ears.

"Okay." i replied. I can't believe I just did that. I took my gloves off and grabbed a pen writing my address on his hand."


The next night I was finishing getting ready when there was a knock on the door, one of my parents answered and i'm guessing it was Sweet Pea.

"Sweetheart, you're date's here!" Dad called I took a deep breath and left my room heading downstairs where Sweet pea was waiting.

"Wow." He breathed and i blushed a little

"You." my dad pointed at Sweet Pea

"Take care of her, Serpent, or not i will kick your ass."

"Yes Sir." Sweet pea nodded. I said goodbye to my parents and we left on the back of his motorcycle he took me to the edge of town and then how a hill.

"Why here, of all the places."

"Because of this." he pointed out and down below was the town of Riverdale and nightlife. I looked amazing from up here.

"Whoa." I breathed

"I know right, and what would a date be without food, look the best seat for miles." I grinned at him, he had gone to pops or someone had and there was blanket and candles

"You're going all out, aren't you?" I ask

"Only the best for you Princess." he handed me my burger and fries.

"Wait this is bacon double cheese, my favourite."

"You go to Pops that often all I had to do was ask." he grinned eating a fry. That night we talked and ate and he got me home for 10 which my Dad was impressed at.

"So did I pass the test?"

"What?" I giggled

"I'm I lucky enough to get a second date?" he wondered and i thought about it.

"Okay, you get a second date." his smile broadened even more

"Great, great!" i laughed and went back inside


From one date it went to two then three four five, he met me after the gym he was my first kiss my second protector after my dad of course. After a couple of months we were almost attached at the hip.

"Amelia, would you officially be my girlfriend ?"


"Awesome" he gave me another kiss

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