Archie 4 - Consequences

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So last chapter i thought it was the wrong one but after reading through it every thing is right and I'm having a ditzy moment hers part four

Fred Andrews sat across from Alice, Eleanor had gone to change Charlotte's nappy. Once she was done she came back downstairs.

"I suppose you have a lot of questions" Ellie cleared her throat.

"I do, first is how all of this came about?"

"It was mid trial and it was obvious everyone close to him that Hiram Lodge was trying to pull every string possible." she sighed

"I was clearing out some old things and I came across something of Dad's up until that point i had just buried everything and something in me snapped, I stole some alcohol and went to the swimming hole. He was already there deep in his thoughts, we eventually started talking and drinking. I don't remember the moment everything changed but you can guess what happened next." Fred nodded.

"We woke up next morning and my head was so sore, I saw Archie next to me, I put the pieces together and woke him up, we realised what we both had done and were so ashamed. We swore that it was a mistake and no one would ever find out. We thought that was it, the cards fell and he chose not to put anyone else through a ordeal so he took the jail time. I had been sick but I thought it was just some bug, it wasn't until I was with the twins that things clicked. I took a test and here we are."

"Why keep it a secret?"

"Why would I want to announce that I had slept with my best friend and another friends boyfriend? Not only that but I was pregnant with his child. Everyone has been through so much."

"I've been here all this time and you could have told me, she is my granddaughter."

"I'm sorry Mr Andrews." he sighed. "Would you like to hold her?" he nodded and she stood up walking over to him and laying the little newborn in his arms.

"What did you name her." he asked as the little girl yawned and opened her eyes to try and see the new face to the voice that was speaking.

"Charlotte Mary, I'm still deciding on the last name." Charlotte spend her tiny fingers and Fred took this to hold her hand.

"I'm trying my best to get a visit with him but the detention centre is fighting me at every corner. I don't know how he's doing in there."

"He'll be fine as long as he has hope." Ellie replied and Fred looked up to her.


Mary sat in a interview room tapping her pen slightly. She had gotten a call from Fred to come back to Riverdale, when she had come back he sat her down and explained everything that had gone on and his worries that his son might be losing hope. If that was the case he had a way that would give his son hope. He then told her about Eleanor and Charlotte taking her to see their Granddaughter and taking a picture along with a letter from Eleanor.

The door opened and Archie waked in looking worse for wear. Mary stood up and nodded to the guard who closed the for behind him. Mary hugged her son.

"What's been going on."

"Just surviving." he replied sitting down. The two began talking of what was being done for his appeal. She then took out a letter.

"What's that."

"You'll see but first, I need to tell you something." she sighed


"We know what happened between you and Eleanor." Archie furrowed his eyebrows.

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