Archie 6 - Consequences

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-Seven years later-

"Charlotte Andrews." The teacher called out from the front of the class. Three rows back and three chairs away from the window to the outside world a seven year old red head stood up from her seat as the children all turned their heads. They watched as the young girl that had a long french braid, blue eyes, fair skin wearing a yellow baseball tee, denim jeans and black combat boots strode to the front holding a small piece of paper

"Tell us about your summer Charlotte."

"This summer I did lots of things and had lots of fun. My Aunt Cheryl taught me some cheerleading moves because when i'm in high school I'm going to be head cheerleader just like she was. I also saw my Uncles Sweets and Fangs and I helped them fix a bike, it was mainly giving them what they needed and watching them but I did help fix thing but not that much, they even said that when I was older they would one of them would take me on my first bike ride, My Dad got mad at that but Mum told him to shut up and to stop being a big baby." The other kids laughed at that

My Auntie Toni she was there with my uncles and Aunt she told me stories about everyone when they were younger, it was so cool she made Uncle Sweets go bright red. I did hang out with Aunt Betty and Uncle Juggie, but that was boring, they spoke about mysteries and well Yawn!" she imitated feeling sleepy. they laughed again.

I could name every member about my family that I was with but Miss Smith said five minutes. So I won't make you yawn like my mystery day with my Aunt and Uncle. The best thing about my summer was my baby brother. My Dad said that I had always wanted one and I finally got one. I can't play catch with him yet infact all he does is eat and sleep but he's cute  and he's called Freddie ."

"Thank you Charlotte." there was a round of applause and she grinned walking back to her seat.


"Daddy!" Charlotte ran over to Archie and jumped up, he caught her and gave her a kiss on the head.

"Hey kiddo, how was school." he started walking to his truck

"Okay, I did my summer report. I totally nailed it."

"Oh you did, did ya.Well how about a milkshake at Pops."

"Yeah, can Mummy and Freddie come too"

"I will call them." he let her down and they got into the car.

At Pops they were met by Ellie and Freddie who was asleep in his pram. Charlotte grinned seeing her Mum and brother and she ran up to her.

"Hey sweetie, did you have a good day at school?"

"She nailed her summer report." Archie told Ellie

"Awesome. Now I know why were here." They all take a booth and look at the menu. Once they've decided Ellie goes and orders.

"Can I go a choose a song?" Charlotte asks her father. He smiled and nodded giving her a quarter. She skips over to the jukebox as the door to Pops opens. Neither Archie, nor Ellie notice the familiar face enter and look down the diner seeing Archie making faces at Freddie while Charlotte is at the end choosing the song.

"Elvis Presley, Jailhouse Rock begins to play across the speakers and Charlotte begins dancing to the old tune. Just as she reaches her father she stops.

"I know you." she states. Archie and Ellie hear their daughters statement and look at her before looking at the person she's talking to.

"Veronica?" Archie questioned. Veronica smirked and waved

"Hello Archiekins."

"Hello...Veronica." Veronica turns to face Ellie, who tucks a stray lock hair behind her ear.

"Eleanor, what a surprise."

"not entirely, you speak with my sister, I'm sure I popped up once in conversation." Ellie rolled her eyes and strolled back over to where her family was.

"there's a picture of you at Aunt Betty's"

"Aunt Betty's, wait you Charlotte all grown up." She joined them but still stood.

"I'm only seven. I'm not even half way there." she folded her arms and rolled her eyes, Ellie smirked at her daughter and Archie shook his head, Charlotte may look like him but she took after her mothers attitude.

"of course." Veronica pursed her lips and turned her attention to Archie and Ellie.

"Well it's been a minute hasn't it."

"It sure has, Betty told us your back in New York."

"Yeah but I came back to check on my first investment, I miss this place. Betty keeps me up to speed but I drop in when i'm close." Just then Freddie started to cry. Archie picked up his son.

"He must need changing." Ellie stated.

"I'll do it." Archie stood and went to the bathroom. Charlotte sat back down and took out a sketch pad and began to draw.

"So Betty told me that you and Archie married, never knew you were dating."

"It wasn't till after you left. We both co parented and dated different people but we ended up together."

"Guess you can thank that drunken night." Veronica retorted. Ellie chuckled

"Lodges sure like to hold a grudge don't they. Or is it Mantle now, I forgot has the divorced been finalised." Veronica glared at her.

"You know, being that sore after seven years must put a strain on a marriage. Don't think Mantle the magnificent likes being compared does he." she stated silent.

"I appreciate the nice act...Vee but the little jabs is so high school of you. It's a shame not really moving on or doing it to fast the next is bound to fail. but no pressure it's not like it's a race or anything right?"

"Look who got a backbone."

"I've always had one, don't mistake my former guilt for no backbone. And kindly refrain from re pet naming my husband."

"Think he might fall into bad habits once again."

"Nope, we locked him up remember." Ellie smiled sweetly referring to Hiram Lodge. Archie came back just as their food came.

"I'll leave you to your food." Veronica turned and left.

"Everything okay."

"Mom just kicked ass!" Charlotte grinned

"Language." the  two parents reprimanded. Charlotte simply shrugged  and dipped her chip in her milkshake before eating it.

"What happened."

"She's still sore." she answered "I just calmly retorted."

"Ellie." he sighed

"Yes." she smiled sweetly.

"What am i going to do with you?"

"love me." she beamed he chuckled and leant in to give her a kiss.

"Ugh, parents." Charlotte mumbled

The end

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