Josie Sister - Sucessful

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Part two to Josie sister and Reggie girlfriend

10 Years later


This is it, I can' believe that I finally got here, after 10 years I am 26 and I am about to walk out on stage as Rachel Maron. I smarten my first outfit for Queen of the night. There was a knock on the door signalling almost time.

"Okay, let's do this." I say walking out of my dressing room and took my place on stage. Time to shine.

That was a thrill, i breathed heavily as I took my final bows with the rest of my cast mates.

"Whooooo" I heard and I look to the front crowd and spot my Dad with My Mom and Josie. I giggle waving at them. We all stepped back giving a final wave as the curtain closed, I laughed hugging my tour family as we all dispersed off the stage. Going back to my dressing room I made a quick change for the meet and greet we were doing. The first one I greeted were my parents.

"Baby girl, you were brilliant out there " Dad hugged me and spun me around

"Thank you." we broke apart and I looked at my mother who had a faint smile of approval.

"Told you I would be Rachel, Mom." I grinned at her

"You did, I'm very Proud of you." my heart swelled at my achievement. I looked at Josie, the two of us had gone so far in these ten years. She and I went into the music business, is it really bad to say that I was more successful than my older sister? Proberly, but I had been constantly busy, even with having a child a three year old girl, Malia. Even though having a child and juggling a career, but I did it, having my music and then moving to Broadway, when the role of Rachel came up I jumped at the chance and here I was.

"You were great out there." Josie, complemented.

"Thanks sis, Look I'll catch up with you later." I gave my Dad one last kiss on the cheek and spoke with other fans of the show. I signed autograph and took pictures before they left and I cleaned up and shipped out.


A few Months later and rolled into town with Malia, I had some time off and wanted to go back to my old hometown. We arrived at the five seasons and I saw that Malia was asleep. I smiled slightly and got my things then got Malia taking her inside. I had agreed to do a small performance where it all began in the Riverdale High Stage which had a new bunch of students. But for now I put my daughter to bed and went to bed myself.

"Mommy?" Malia questioned while playing with her toys next to the little dressing table I had

"Yes baby."

"Is this where you went to school?" she wondered

"Yes it is." I put my blusher brush down and picked her up.

"You know the stage, I was on earlier?" she nodded

"That is where I first sang. I was 16 and I was really nervous." I told her as she looked up at me curiously.


"Because Your Aunt Josie was the one that was meant to be the singer of the family, but I didn't want that. I wanted to sing and be and actress and a dancer. I wanted to do it all, and that was how I was going to do it. I was really sneaky and only two people knew what I was going to do. Then I walked out of stage and sang I will always love you."

"I love that song." she shouted

"Me too, which is why it was the first one I sang in front of a audience. You can be anything you want to be baby. All you gotta do is work hard and earn it."

"Okay." I gave her a big kiss and she squirmed. I giggled letting her back down.

"Auntie Josie!" Malia ran up to my sister and gave her a giant hug, they greeted and talked to each other.

"Are you exited to see your Mom singing tonight?"

"Yeah, I never get to see her sing on stage." she exaggerated , I laughed and the two left. I walked onto stage to applause.

"Hello Riverdale High!" I called

"Hello, Hello. I hope you don't mind me dropping by." The music started to play.

I panted heavily finishing and bowed before walking off stage.

"Not bad Ms Maron." I turned to a familiar voice.

"Well, well, well, Reginald Mantle as I live and breathe." I smirk. Reggie and I had broken up a couple of years after high school and this was the first time I had seen him in person since then, He obviously became a football play and was a star Quarterback.

"You haven't changed that much, more sexy and confident." he strolled up to me.

"Thanks." I shrug.

"So what have you been doing?" he questioned and I laughed

"Bad liar as always, you know what I've been doing, I know you follow me on social media."

"Just like you follow me."

"Well what can I say, there are some things you can never really give up. "

"Are you flirting with me?"

"Is it working." I rolled my eyes.

"Still the same."

"Mommy!" Malia came running up and I lifted her up into my arms.

"Hey Baby." Reggie cleared his throat.

"Malia. This is my old friend Reggie. Reggie, this is my daughter Malia."

"Hi Mister." Reggie chuckled

"Hi there, Malia."

"How do you know my Mommy?"

"We used to go to school together." he answered and held his hand out for her. Josie joined us and well went back into the dressing room to talk for a while, I met the students and some of my old teachers.

"Whit, wanna go for dinner with me tonight?" he asked

"You don't waist anytime do you."

"Constantly on the move doing something? Of course."

"Okay." Niece and Aunt were spending time together and that night I went out with Reggie, we reconnected and had a laugh.

Over the coming months we dated and navigated our way through life and a relationship, I like to think it came back full circle. We were in a relationship and then a year later he proposed to me and Malia. within six months we were married and a 10 months after that we had our first child. a little brother for Malia who we named Tej.

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