Sweet Pea x Reader - Cheryl Sister

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Sweet Pea x Reader. Part 2 to bad date

Since meeting him in Pops the night of your bad date with Reggie. You took the plunge on calling him a few weeks after. Reggie added insult to injury he showed up with another girl on his arm calling her his girlfriend, since then the two of you had been seeing each other outside of school. You came to realise that he was a keeper when he comforted you through your ordeal with losing your brother and then finding out your father had killed him, he then killed himself. Out of a fit of rage and sorrow you and Cheryl decided that you wanted to be with Jason.

Archie and Jughead saved the two of you from drowning and when Sweet Pea found out you through he would be angry yet we he got to you, he just held you for hours swearing that you would never feel that way again. Only the serpents knew about your relationship with the rugged dark heard boy in a black serpent jacket.

So when the principal made the announcement over the speaker that Southside high was closing and we were getting transfers, you were delighted, but less at the fact that now was the time that everyone else would know who your significant other was. You wouldn't be able to keep your hands off of him, if he was around. You looked down at your phone that had just buzzed.

Sweetie - We're here xxx.

You grinned and finished fixing your make up and walked out of the bathroom. Unfortunately your sister and her new band of rallied followers against the new kids were already there causing trouble.

"What are you doing sister?" you questioned slowly walking down the steps to meet them, everyone turned to look at you.

"Finally, y/n. Where have you been?"

"I asked first." she rolled her eyes and turned to look at you.

"I was just explaining that I'm not risking my 4.0 GPA for ragamuffin under achievers." you huffed a sigh.

"Seriously y/n you're not here to cause trouble are you?" Veronica questioned

"Not my sister's kind of trouble no." You then looked at Sweet Pea and smiled at him, he returned it.

"I can't believe you're here."

"Believe it gorgeous." You squealed happily and jumped over to him all giddy and gave him a kiss. When the two of you pulled away. You were beaming

"Excuse me, am I keg of beer?" you hear Toni. Sweet Pea let you down and you hugged your best friend.

"Of course not Tee."

"Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Cheryl screeched and you turned round taking Sweet Pea's waist.

"Greeting my boyfriend and best friend, what else? Wait where's Fangs."

"I'm here" you turned round and cheered giving him a bear hug.

"Alright, I'm totally showing all of you around. Let's...."

"You're, you're dating one of these, these..." she stuttered.

"Yes, now you aggressive losers need to move out of the way because there is so much to see." Taking Sweet Pea's hand you lead him and the other serpents away from the others leaving your shocked sister behind.


Hiram Lodge had infiltrated and slowly taken over the town and created chaos with the held of your wretched mother, a former serpent, head of the ghoulies, and a corrupt cop. in the wake of the riots, Fangs shooting, Hal Cooper's confession to being the Black Hood after he tried to kill you and Cheryl's emancipation and Tall Boy being the Copy cat that nearly killed everyone at the mayor debate, hell even Toni and Sweet's being kidnapped my Penny Peabody for you and your sister to rescue them.

You stood with Sweet Pea as FP announced he was officially retiring and handing the Kingship to Jughead.

"As your first official duty as Serpant King..." FP held his hand out for Toni to come over and she did taking out two deferent shades of Red Serpent Jackets.

"I think you know what to do with this...take it." he encouraged his son. Jughead smiled and took the jacket it's from him, the serpents cheered.

"Alright, alright. All I can say is, I love you Dad. And the serpents will not die out, not on my watch." You removed your jacket and handed it to Sweet Pea as you and your sister made your way up to the stage. Jughead gave you the deep cherry red leather jacket with the Serpant Symbol embodied on the back and then your sister had the bright pillbox red both of you fixed your hair so that it dropped over your new skin.

You looked at Sweet Pea who had a look of proudness mixed with lust on his face and you gave him a wink. 

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