I Hate Going to the Doctors

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Ever since I was a kid, for some reason I've always hated going to the doctors. It's strange as I've never had a bad experience there. Whether it was for a vaccine, medication or simply just a check-up it's somewhere near the top of my list of places I try to avoid.

But, since what's been going on in the last few months, I can't ignore it anymore. My periods have stopped. Zap. Gone. I'm as regular as clockwork. I never miss a period - I suppose you could say I'm lucky in that sense. In previous relationships, I've not had any scares or lateness to worry about, so to say. But when my period was due three months ago, Aunt Flo was just nowhere to be seen and hasn't arrived since.

I've tried to put it to the back of my mind, but I simply can't ignore it anymore. It's been three months, so I have to do something, even though I don't want to. So I took action last week and arranged a doctors appointment for the following Monday - today - to see if they have any idea of what's going on. I'm only 26, it can't be that bad, surely?

Every Monday morning, I start my working week off with a coffee with my best and oldest friend, Hero. We've been thick as thieves since we were five. Moving from Australia when I was five was less than easy. I think it's safe to say I didn't really know what was going on back then, I just thought we were on holiday, but somewhere where the sun doesn't shine as often as back home. I don't remember much about Australia, apart from the beaches and the sun. They were beautiful, but I call London my home now.

I met Hero on my first day in the nursery over here, he was on his own, playing in the sandbox - the sand reminded me of Perth, so I joined him. At first, he tried to shy away from me. He looked so sad and alone, I couldn't help myself, I just had to join him.

"I like the sand," I said, slowly getting into the sandbox. His green orbs looked up to me, first worried and confused. Like he didn't know what I was saying or something.

"You sound funny... Where are you from?" his eyes moved back to the sand, watching it intently fall between his fingers from his left hand back into the box.

"Australia. I'm Josephine,"

"My name's Hero,"

Initially, all those years ago, I couldn't help but smile at how I had a friend called Hero. As the years have passed, he genuinely has been a hero to me, in more ways than one. He's been my confidant, my agony aunt, my science project partner... Everything. Apart from my boyfriend, that is. We've always steered clear of broaching that subject. Don't get me wrong, Hero is very handsome and any girl would be lucky to call him hers. What, with his bright green orbs and long, tousled brown hair with the one piece that somehow always finds its place resting on his forehead; to pretty much everyone he meets, he's perfect - to me, he is in every way, he's kind, smart, funny, caring, supportive, but I couldn't risk ruining and potentially losing what we have and what we've built over the years. I don't know what I'd do. I'd call it our silent agreement as Hero has never made a move either.


I grab my navy blue coat and brown leather bag from the old, wooden coat stand by the front door to my apartment and quickly lock up, realising I'm well behind schedule for meeting Hero before my doctor's appointment. Luckily I have flexible working hours, so I'll just go in after my appointment, but the way I look at it the sooner I go in, the sooner I can go home. London is always busy, it's one thing you simply have to get used to when you live here. It's never quiet, the constant hum of the city, letting you know it's always awake, no matter what time it is. I weave my way through the busy London streets until I hit the Underground station. I'm not the biggest fan of using the Tube system, I've got lost on it more times than I care to recall. Hero is always the one who directs me on the lines, but as it's only two stops away and part of my usual commute, I manage.

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