I've Never Felt Like This Before

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For the first time in a long time, Hero gets to hear me say 'you were right'. As soon as Emma in the hospital confirmed that Hero and I were having a baby girl, visions of us as a three, a little girl in the middle holding both our hands flooded my mind. We have a daughter. He punched the air, a grin spreading across his face. I've never seen him look so happy.

"I fucking knew it," Hero leans up to place a swift, purposeful kiss on my lips. As he takes his seat again, Emma starts to point out our baby girl's features, from her pout, I'd say she definitely has my lips.

As she moves the wand over my stomach now we know our baby is a girl, Emma takes more photos, the printer below her releasing them a few moments later. When she finishes and instructs me to wipe my belly clean, Hero beats me to it. Taking the paper towel from the top of my jeans, he slowly wipes me free of the gel, concentration all over his face. I wait until he's finished doing a rather thorough job before he leans up and gives me yet another kiss after I thank him. I feel his soft, strong hands gently swipe over the skin on my stomach, the path of flesh tingling in his wake before he brings down the jumper I have on back to it's normal place.

"Ah, you two are the sweetest couple I've had today," Emma says, surprising us both. My eyes meet Hero's green orbs, looking back to him, I hope he sees the glint in mine before I reply to Emma.

"Thank you." Take the hint, Hero.

I'm offered one more scan as part of London's NHS services, but I decide that I feel happy enough with just the two.

"We could maybe have a 4D scan done later on to see who she looks like before she's born," I don't know how Hero will take the suggestion. I've heard people say babies in the womb look like aliens and while I find that kind of cute, I'm not entirely sure about Hero. But he surprises me, telling me he loves the idea. We leave the scanning suite hand in hand, the new images of our baby girl in my bag, but one thing I know I definitely need to do is go to the bathroom. Before Hero woke up, I drank at least a litre of water, wanting to ensure we could tell what gender the baby was and get some good, clear photos too. I can't wait to show them to Mercy and Martha and my family.

As I walk out of the bathroom, relieved massively, I see Hero who - for some reason - looks deep in thought. He's leant against the wall, his leg lifted up against it too. Is he thinking about what I said?

"Hey, you okay?" he snaps out of his thoughts, not realising I'd returned from the bathroom.

"Yeah, sorry. Let's go," I take hold of his warm hand and we walk side by side out of the hospital for hopefully, the last time before we have our 4D scan.

Hero treats us to a coffee and a muffin before blindly leading me down a cold, frosty Oxford Street to the shoe store, Schuh. Why he's brought us here for the baby is completely beyond me, but his face silently tells me he has an idea. The both of us look around the store, I don't even think Hero knows where to look for whatever it is he wants to buy. He's checking the gondolas and the wall holders intently, but up until now, to no avail. I walk over to one of the walls, looking at how many different trainers there are for sale. Who knew kids had so much more variety than adults when it comes to shoes? It's good to know I suppose, our baby girl won't have an issue finding shoes when she needs them - or wants them, should I say.

"Jo?" I hear Hero call me from the other side of the quiet store, so I head over to him, smiling as I approach, already feeling his warmth. I see what he's been looking for and honestly, I'm confused.

"Converse?" Converse for a baby? She won't be able to wear them straight away, surely?

"Baby Converse. If we get them in pink, we can use them to announce that we have a baby girl," I smile widely after his explanation. I'm sold. It's such a great idea, and I suppose we can put them away for her to grow into.

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