Sunday Roast?

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I don't think I've ever felt more like shit than when my phone buzzed and it was my line manager, Nicola, asking me to cover Ethan's lecture. As soon as I saw her name on my phone's caller ID I had an inkling as to what the call would be for. Nicola never rings me so why would she on a Friday morning at 7:12am? I did my damndest to get out of it and outright said no, however when she mentioned semester finals and getting the students 'prepped' I couldn't say no, also her jeopardizing my pay for the day didn't help.

I honestly don't know what I did to deserve a friend like Jo. She's so understanding and caring. She's the sweetest girl I know. I'm letting her down at a crucial point, in a few weeks she could be pregnant, carrying our baby and still, she's absolutely fine, no issues just complete understanding. Her going as far as to say I've done my bit - I want to tell her I feel like I haven't done enough, that I'm devastated that I can't be there for what could be her getting pregnant. It's the most important appointment and I'm going to miss it. Nice one FT, fuck you work.

I feel like the worst person in the world as I leave my penthouse and Jo in there behind me. I'm a mixture of anger and upset. My fists clench and my jaw goes taught every time I think about the phone call from Nicola. I'd say it's not her fault but it kind of is. My shift was only due to start at 10am, but no, Ethan calls in sick on the one day I needed him to be well. He's such a dick, he's always going out getting slaughtered drunk so he's probably spent the last few hours with his head in a toilet. How he became a lecturer, I have no idea.

I can't shake the shit feeling of leaving Jo. She shouldn't be going to the appointment alone. I should be there by her side as I have been since the start of all this. To try and make myself feel slightly better as I enter the university building, I take my phone out of my back pocket and start typing a message to Jo.

I feel like shit that I can't be there with you. Come back to mine tonight and I'll make it up to you.

After I type and send the message it only then occurs to me I have no idea how I'll make it up to Jo. I'm missing her most important appointment, in my eyes, that's the biggest and most unforgivable dick move there is. I don't want her to think I'm not invested in this, because I am, 100 per cent. I see the three bubbles appear on my screen as she starts to type her reply. Honestly, if she told me to fuck off and leave her alone it wouldn't surprise me. The three dots disappear and her message appears.

Jo: Please don't feel that way. I'm really grateful for everything you've already done. I don't know what I'd do without you. I'll come back to yours tonight, but no need to make it up to me - I'll see you tonight.

My heart melts at her message. She's not mad or annoyed. She thinks I've done too much but I think the complete opposite, I don't feel like I've done enough for her. If this works, she'll be carrying my baby. My best and longest friend will be having my baby. Definitely not enough, FT. I decide to keep my reply nice and simple, just telling her I'll see her tonight. In all honesty, I have no idea what else to say.

It's been clear to both the students and staff that I've not been in the best mood today. All my classes consisted of snickering and eye rolls as I called people out on their shit. As a peace offering to me coming in early, Nicola cancels my final class and allows me to go home around 3pm. She doesn't have to tell me twice, as soon as the words leave her lips I'm already half packed and wrapping my leather jacket around me in readiness to brave the rain that's been in since this morning. It's not stopped all day, shit feelings and shit weather on a Friday just aren't fun at all.

As I leave the campus, I start to think about how I'm going to make it up to Jo for missing her final appointment. A wave of relief washed through me when she texted me letting me know it was all done. She can't have been in the clinic long - which I suppose is a good thing - but still, I wasn't there with her. I wander down the street away from the campus for the weekend and decide to take a detour and meander through some boutique stores, thinking about making it up to Jo. I come out of a little trinket store - she's always loved stuff like that - then see a fancy florist across the road. Flowers, every girl loves flowers.

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