We Know You Don't Want a Fuss

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When I first approached my boss Emily about starting my maternity leave early, to say I was in a panic was the understatement of the century. Hero and I spoke about it the night before while we were building Willow's closet, ready for putting in the nursery. I won't lie, it's getting harder and harder trying to ignore the stretched feeling on my stomach, I've already noticed the stretch marks at my sides. I'm uncomfortable and honestly can't wait to have her so I can hold her properly. I was surprised he brought it up, but in all honesty, I was glad he did. A big part of me felt relieved, I'll be able to chill out and get the penthouse and myself ready for Willow's arrival.

Emily said she expected me to ask about finishing early and said it was more than fine for me to start my maternity leave at the 32-week mark. It's come around so quickly and I'm closing down my computer for the last time in what could be a year or so. Emily approaches me quietly and hands me a baby pink bag with pink tissue paper sticking up out of it.

"Just a little something from the team, I knew you wouldn't have wanted a fuss or anything, so we just did a small whip around and got you a few things. Look after yourself and keep in touch, yeah?" I smile and take Emily into a hug.

"Thank you, Em. For everything," I take the bag from her and thank everyone gently before putting my coat on so I can leave work for the last time this year. It's gone by so quickly.

As I exit the elevator in the foyer, I'm surprised to see Hero standing there with a rather large bunch of flowers in his hands.

"There she is, surprise," I smile as I walk over to him with my gift bag in tow.

"What are you doing here?" I sound surprised - primarily because I am. I'm glad he's here though, he can help me carry all of my things.

"I thought I'd surprise you on your last day of work. Come on, I'm taking you and Willow out for dinner," this is all very spontaneous. Not that that's a bad thing at all, I would have just preferred a bit of a heads up. Hero must sense something is going on in my head as he stops us in our tracks as we leave the building.

"What's wrong, love?" I don't know how to tell him without hurting his feelings, but all I wanted was to go home, get a takeaway and put my feet up with him at my side.

"Can we just order takeout? I just want to go home, Hero," he smiles widely and squeezes my hand, reassuring me that that's absolutely fine.

"If that's what you'd like to do, then, of course, we can. Let's go home."

Because of my early finish, the trip home isn't too long and I'm so glad to be walking into the penthouse with Hero at my side. As we cross the threshold, it only then occurs to me that he's finished early too. Usually, he finishes around 4pm on a Friday. Not that I'm complaining, of course, I'm just curious as to why, so I ask him.

"Apparently, the head of English wants me to 'share' my teaching now with Elif and Morgan. So I've asked if they can take my Friday afternoons from now on and they said yes. I'll be finishing at 2pm every Friday from now on, love," Hero looks so happy, as I am too at the news of his early finishes. He also assures me that he won't see a difference in his wage, which puts my mind right at ease. I just want the three of us to be secure here - especially now because I'm on maternity pay and it'll mainly be Hero's money supporting me and Willow. I don't think he realises how grateful I am to him for this. For everything. For our little girl.

We head into the kitchen together and as he walks over to the coffee machine, starting it up ready to make himself a drink, I carefully open the bag from Emily and the team at work. It's nothing big or fancy, just a few white baby grows, two packs of dummies and a small, soft blanket in baby pink.

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