A Supplier

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"Firstly, I'm not sleeping with you, so..." The realisation crosses Jo's face before she continues on, trying to make me back down. "Hero, you can't be serious!" she starts to shake her head, clearly not believing what I'm proposing to her.

Knowing she thinks I'm joking, I quickly get off the couch and walk over to her, intent in every step. I ensure there's no room between the two of us, she needs to realise just how serious I am.
"I'm more than serious, Jo. As reputable as these sperm banks are, the baby will never know who their father is... And neither will you." You just never know nowadays. The father could be a psychotic criminal who is forever going to be in and out of jail or there permanently. Anyone can wank themselves off and provide the ingredients. Jo quickly realises my point; I can see the questions running through her mind now.
"Okay, you have a point... But it's... you, Hero! My best friend... and..." Does she not get it?
"And? Jo, if this is what you want. I'm here for you, right from conception to birth. I'm serious. Think it over, yeah?" she nods and reaches up for me, so I wrap her tiny frame in my arms. She turns her head to the side facing my neck, her hot breath sending cool shivers down my spine. Holding Jo like this, I feel like I can protect her from anything. Despite how independent she is, she's so alone here, and I never want her to feel that way.

When we pull away, Jo exhales and smiles a soft smile at me.
"I'll think about it, okay?" I nod, it's a start and not a no. I decide to walk back to the couch, but then pictures and thoughts of Jo, pregnant carrying my baby start to run through my mind. A bump where her flat belly currently is leads to a wave of excitement running through me. Nothing beats the picture I have in my mind of Jo holding a baby... Our baby. I turn around and smile at her, the pictures still running a marathon through my mind. I can't help what comes out.
"You'll be an amazing Mum, Jo."


It's been just over a week since I proposed being the donor for Jo's IVF treatment, should she want to go down that route. I know she was booked into the doctors today, but I've not heard from her. Since teaching my first lecture, I've been on edge. Essentially today, I'll know whether Jo wants to go ahead with the proposal or not. I know, it's not all about me, this is about Jo, but... I just want to know what her decision is. She might have gone for another treatment option before going on IVF that allows her a chance to conceive naturally in the future. Who knows, but it's been distracting me all morning. Throughout the lectures and seminars, the students could tell there was something off with me today.

When I was in the teacher's lounge marking some papers whilst drinking English Breakfast tea, I couldn't stop tapping my foot on the floor nervously. Other staff members noticed, notably Elif and Morgan. They're helping out currently in the English department as we're slightly understaffed.
"Yo FT, you heard from Josephine?" Morgan asks as he walks past, heading to the next class on his schedule. I shake my head, concentrating on the scribble on the paper in front of me. Whoever has submitted this paper needs handwriting lessons, nevermind an English degree. I make a mark on the page so I know where to continue from, after my conversation.
"Not yet, hoping sometime this afternoon," more like I'm praying I hear this afternoon. I haven't told them the full story of why Jo's going to the doctors, it's not my story to tell, despite how involved I am... Or will be, should she decide to go ahead. As I turn my attention back to marking the illegible scribbles on the piece of paper in front of me, my phone lights up and I see the name I've been pining to see all day, Jo. I quickly drop the red marker pen and unlock my phone so I can see what she has to say.

J: Are you free for a call?

I quickly stand and head for the staff exit on the other side of the room. My feet can't carry me there quickly enough and I'm scrolling through my contacts as I walk until I see Jo's name. I hit the call button and wait for her to answer. The dial tone seems to ring forever, but eventually, I hear the Australian 'hello' I've waited to hear since the start of my day.

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