Just Me and You

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Hero guides me carefully to the bedroom, walking backwards until I feel the carpet under my feet. His lips haven't left mine since we started kissing in the living room. The burn between my legs has only gotten hotter since he made me tell him, or rather show him exactly what I was dreaming about. I hear the door close behind the two of us with a loud bang, the room vibrating around us. Is he just as desperate as I am? I can't think straight at all, Hero's tongue gently strokes my own, his hands all over my cheeks and in my hair. I can't pull away from him and I certainly don't want to either. I continue to walk backwards until I feel the bed at the back of my knees. Fuck this is actually happening.

Hero pulls away from me, my lips pouting and no doubt swollen from his kisses. Our eyes meet one another's gaze, his full to the brim with pure black, barely any green visible now. I feel his breath fan over me, the hint of mint filling my noise as I fight for breath. Hero takes hold of my hand and brings it to the top button of his now untucked shirt. I still don't know why he's wearing a shirt but I don't care. One by one, I slowly unbutton his shirt for him until I reach the last one. When I'm done, I bring my eyes back to Hero's who has been watching me intently, like his life depends on what I'm doing. My hands travel up his chiselled chest slowly, his muscles tightening under my touch as I make my way further and further up. I have a feeling Hero is much more confident when it comes to sex, but I want this and I think he does too. I push the shirt over his shoulders and watch it fall gracefully to the floor.

He looks like a model, he's more than handsome, he's... beautiful. His muscles defined, but not too heavily. As I continue to stare at his chest, Hero brings me back to look at him placing his finger under my chin to lift my gaze back up. Slowly he leans in and joins our lips together, moving them slowly. Feeling brave as his tongue enters my mouth again to tangle with mine for dominance, I bring his hands to the hem of his hoodie which I'm wearing. Ever so slowly, making sure I'm okay with it he lifts it over my bump, exposing my belly and over my head, letting it fall out of his hands to the floor. He's only ever seen me once before like this and we were about to get in bed, but not like this, to go to sleep. His hands place themselves on my hips and he steps closer to me, not looking down, but holding my sight with his.

Surprising me, he turns us around, swapping places so he's now stood at the foot of the bed with me in front of him. Without saying anything, he starts to sit down pulling me with him until I have no option but to straddle him again as I did on the couch outside. He pushes my knotted, tangled hair over my shoulders slowly, his fingers trailing the tops of my shoulders just at the side of my black bra straps. I feel myself getting breathy again as our lips collide with one another's, Hero's hands going back into my hair and mine in his, holding us to one another. His hands drag themselves down from my hair and reach behind me, splaying out all over my back, holding me as close as he can. Just the skin on skin contact now is heating me up all over, my skin on fire. As we kiss, I start to rock myself back and forward needing to find some relief to the burning sensation down below. One of Hero's hands travels to my hips, guiding me in my movements, the other still holding me to him splayed out on my back as we continue our kisses. I don't know how I went so long not kissing Hero, I can't imagine not kissing him now.

As our kisses continue, I remove my hands from Hero's hair and take them to my back. Reaching around, I unclasp my bra, feeling it loosen everywhere it sits. Hero's kisses move down my neck, sucking and nipping the hollow just above my collarbone, I have a feeling a mark will be left there, but I really don't care. He removes his mouth from my neck, finding my eyes, silently asking permission to remove what I've just unclasped. Without saying anything and keeping his eyes on mine, his fingers trail my skin, leaving a path of electricity in their wake until they reach the straps of my bra. My heart is hammering through my chest, so much so I'm worried it'll burst out. Hero hooks his fingers over the loose, dropped straps and pulls gently down on them until I lift my arms out and let the cups fall away from my breasts.

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