Three of Us?

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When Mercy delivered the news that Jo's at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, I felt the colour drain from my face and a sinking feeling of dread build in the pit of my stomach. Why the fuck is she at the hospital and what's making Mercy cry so much? Mercy barely cries, it takes a lot to crack her. Whatever the fuck has happened must be bad. My girls need me.

"I'll be as quick as I can, wait for me, Mercy," she ends the call and I stand up, my breathing laboured at the news.

Running into the bedroom, I grab the first jacket I can find and sling it over my shoulders. I head to the console table by the front door and grab my car keys, silently praying that the traffic has died down. I need to get to the hospital, fast. After closing the door behind me, locking up quickly, I head straight for the elevator, continually pressing the button until it arrives. I do the same with the button for the garage underneath the building. I just need to get to her, she has to be okay. She has to be.

Much to my annoyance, the lift stops twice, the two couples that enter requesting to go to the ground floor before I can get myself to the garage. Fucks sake, the one time I need to go! I feel my foot tapping on the floor, nervously. Worry coursing through my veins with adrenaline at its side. I feel like I'm on a constant simmer waiting to boil. I'm a fucking wreck. What worries me the most is I don't know what's wrong with Jo. Mercy never mentioned she was in labour and I know for a fact if that was the case, Mercy wouldn't be crying or sounding so worried. It both concerns me and provides some ease to the situation that she never mentioned Willow. My little girl. Shit what if Jo's had her and I'm not there? I just need to get there. Finally when I get to the garage I run over to my Tesla, opening it before I arrive with the key so I can slide in. Plugging in my phone, my shaky hands find the hospital on the map and I set up the route.

"30 minutes? Fucks sake!" I bang my hand on the steering wheel in annoyance. I can feel myself losing it but I need to keep a calm head, whatever is wrong with Jo, she'll need me and so will Willow - if she's here. I close my eyes, inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth. Focus on getting to the hospital, FT. So that's exactly what I do when I pull out of the garage.

There's traffic everywhere. Everywhere. Every set of traffic lights, every street, every lane is backed up. It was busy enough on the tube and it's equally as busy on the road too. Something must be going on at one of the venues in London for the city to be so busy. As I pass one of the streets, I realise I've breached the central driving zone and haven't registered my car. I'll have a lovely ticket waiting for me in the next two weeks containing a fine, but that's the last thing on my mind right now. I just need to get to Josephine. I'm two sets of traffic lights away and have already contemplated dumping my car somewhere so I can run the rest of the way to the hospital. But if Willow has been born I'll need to get her home safely. There's a car park right next to A&E where Mercy told me to meet her so that's where I'm headed. As soon as the final set of lights turns green, I floor the accelerator, pushing my way past the rest of the traffic and turn into the open car park.

I have to drive around a few times up and down the rows of cars until I find a parking space. I pull the handbrake up as soon as I'm in safely between the other two cars and turn the ignition off. Locking the car behind me, I briskly make my way to the A&E entrance, dropping Mercy a text telling her I've arrived and am on my way. It's cold, I should have brought a coat, but a small part of me is hoping I won't be here long and I can take my girls back to the warmth of home. But now I'm here, a bigger part of me is thinking that won't happen. That I'll be here a while while my girls get the treatment they need. I still have no idea what's happened to them, all I know is that they're here and it was unexpected. It could literally be anything, but I'm praying that it's nothing serious. I don't allow myself to think about the possibilities of why Jo is here, my mind goes straight to the worst case scenario and I can't concentrate on that now. I have to focus on getting to Mercy so I can find out what exactly is going on.

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