Do You Want Some Company?

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It's unlike Jo to be late, she's usually here right on time or just early. Or, maybe I'm early? I'm stood outside our usual Monday morning coffee shop, Costa. I'm in no rush today, my first lecture is only at half-past ten this morning, so I have plenty of time. The University is great when it comes to working hours. As long as the work is done, I'm there teaching when I'm meant to be and the grades are up to par, everything is sweet.

It's a cold morning here in London, but not cold enough to see your breath, although I don't mind those mornings. The crisp, biting air whips around me as I wait for Jo to arrive. I look forward to our coffee meetings every Monday, her smile brightens the dull mornings and makes them even brighter if it's a rare sunny day.

I turn my head and spot Jo in her navy blue coat walking towards me, briskly.
"Morning, Jo," I circle her in my arms and hug her. She feels cold, the cold must have hit the Tube for her to be this cold so I tighten my grip on her asking her if she's good before pulling away. She doesn't answer, just nods yes and smiles her sweet smile at me.

I open the door letting us into the warmth of Costa and let Jo go and sit down at our usual table by the window, overlooking the busy street. It's my turn to pay, we take turns weekly so I head over to the counter and Jamie, the barista has already started our usual order. Mine's just a regular English Breakfast tea, Jo's is fancier, she always sticks to a skinny caramel latte. Why she insists on 'skinny' I have no idea, she's perfect the way she is. She always has been.

I pay, thanking Jamie and take the tray of drinks over to Jo.
"So, how was your weekend?" I ask, placing my teapot and mug in front of me and Jo's in front of her so we can drink and warm ourselves up.
"Yeah, good. Uneventful I suppose. You?" I take a sip of my tea and realise it's slightly too hot for me at the minute, so I add more milk to help cool it down.

"Same to be honest. I saw Mum and Mercy yesterday, they keep asking me to ask you over for Sunday lunch, they've not seen you in ages," Jo smiles, acknowledging the British tradition she learned very quickly. My mum and my sister, Mercy absolutely love Jo. Every time I see them, they always ask about her and how she's doing. They consider her part of our family now; since her parents went back to Australia, my mum and Mercy clearly silently decided to adopt her into our family - not that I'm complaining, I love spending time with Jo.

"I might take you up on that soon. I've not had a Sunday roast in ages." both of us continue to drink our drinks. I notice that Jo keeps checking her phone, she never does that unless she's on edge about something so I ask her if everything is okay, just to be sure.
"What? Yeah, sorry... I erm, have a doctors appointment in an hour or so," I feel my eyes pop open and bulge, Jo absolutely hates the doctors. I reach over for her hand to reassure her, everything will be okay even though I don't know what's going on - it has to be.
"Are you okay, Jo?" she nods but sighs heavily. I can see the cogs in her head, turning, contemplating on whether she should tell me what's going on with her. It must be something big for her to openly book herself into the doctors. It's one of the places Jo avoids like a plague.

"I've not had a period in three months, Hero. I don't know what's happening and..." I can't help but interject, three months?! Surely that's not healthy?
"Jo, three months?! Fuck, why haven't you gone sooner?" I go quieter as I ask her the question, realising I may be coming across as a bit of a dick. I'm not here to make a scene, but I care for her. A lot. "Because I thought it'd sort itself out, everything usually does. I've not Googled anything so I don't even know what I'm getting myself into here, but yeah... I've got a doctors appointment to see what's going on," I don't know what else to do but nod, and exhale slowly for both of us through my nose. I look over to Jo, her blue eyes finding mine.

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