I've Never Had Surgery Before

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After Jo and I left the fertility clinic, we went straight back to hers. As the Tube stops got closer and closer to Jo's I could see the nerves and the worry start to form in her face. She'd started to chew on her lower lip, drawing it in and out of her mouth from between her teeth.
"I'll come back with you rather than carry on to mine. Are you happy with how today went?" I note we're one stop away from Jo's so feel it's better to prewarn her of my plans, rather than just hop off with her.
"Yeah I am. But an injection every day sounds a bit... scary," she says, a shiver running down her as she shakes. I nudge her, getting her attention.
"I'll help you, Jo. With every one... If you want me to, that is," she visibly relaxes and leans into me.
"That'd be great."

When we arrive at Jo's she places the injections on the island and turns around to me as I close the door behind the both of us.
"I'm just going to change into something more comfortable, then we'll do the first one," I nod, silently saying okay and watch her as she walks into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. I'm not the one having the injections, but I'm bloody nervous. Way more nervous than I should be. I go over in my head what Dr. Chambers showed us in the clinic just under an hour ago. I need to make sure I don't hurt her... or make it as painless as possible.

Jo comes out shortly after, a light grey pair of joggers hang low on her hips and a black tank top hugs her curves. Wait, has she taken her bra off? FT, what the fuck it's Jo?! I pull myself out of my inner monologue and thoughts, looking Jo directly in the eye. Since when do you look at her like you want to jump her bones?
"Ready?" She asks, walking over slowly. I cough hoping clearing my throat will also clear my thoughts.
"Yeah," we both walk over to the bag with the injection medication in and I reach in to grab the one that's marked with a number one. I read over the pack, ensuring what we learned before we left the clinic matches what's on the packing - which it does. Jo heads back over to the couch, waiting for me patiently. Once I'm happy, I take the injection over to her and join her on the couch. We piece it together between us and ensure the push lever is all the way back.
"I think it'd be better if I stood in front of you," she sounds unsure about it. Come on, Jo.
"Yeah I think that'd work best as I need to inject just under your belly button," she nods in understanding and exhales, psyching herself up for this. When she's stood in front of me, I put my hand to the back of her right thigh and pull her as close as she can get. She lifts her top up, revealing her soft, smooth skin which I start to cleanse with a disinfectant wipe. The air suddenly feels thick and hot around us. Our breathing seems to be in sync but deeper than normal. Is this normal?

I reach for the syringe and make sure everything is right before getting it ready in my hand. Jo pinches the skin I just cleansed, preparing herself for the injection. The needle is tiny and there doesn't seem to be much in the vial so I'm hoping this will be over quickly for her and not as painful as she's expecting. I look up to her, my hand still behind her thigh, holding her in place.
"You ready?" I ask. She looks down to me with her hooded blues and nods. She doesn't turn her attention away from me as I align the needle with the pinched flesh. She surprises me and continues to watch as I push the needle in and quickly inject her with the first dosage of her treatment. I pull the needle out once the vial is empty and place it to the side out of the way. Jo's eyes continue to follow my movements and meet back with mine once I'm done. I have the urge to kiss where I've just injected. Why, I have no idea, I just do. The fuck is wrong with you, FT?
"One down," she says, proudly.
"Eleven to go,"



I've been on the IVF injections for ten days now and it's safe to say, my body has had a horrendously adverse reaction to them. Every side effect possible, I've had it - one way or another.

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