The Traditional Route

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Since I hit the 25-week mark of my pregnancy, my boss Emily has taken a lot of the workload from me, telling me to wind down in readiness for my maternity leave. She insisted I finish every Friday now at 2:30pm. My initial worry was my pay, but she assured me I wouldn't see a difference.

I'll admit it, I completely dozed off during my and Hero's spa day massage. I felt like complete mush once the therapist was finished. I dread to think how much I must have drooled during the time I was laying down. Then our pool time, just holding each other, our dinner which was delicious, it was just the perfect day.

Another three weeks have flown by and I'm closing down my computer for the week. A very small part of me always feels bad seeing everyone else still hard at work while I'm packing my stuff away, but I'm being told to leave at 2:30, so I'm not going to say no to an early dart. Finishing at this time allows me to get home before Hero too and the Tube trains always have seats. I love being at home before him. Now I've fully handed the keys back to my old landlord and we've banked the money he generously gave me for some of the larger furniture items in the apartment, the penthouse fully feels like home.

As I walk in, I hang my coat and scarf up on the coat rack one by one before heading straight into the kitchen. I switch on the coffee machine, making myself a hot chocolate and getting everything ready so I can make Hero's cup of coffee for when he gets home. Apparently, it's something he looks forward to every day now, knowing that I simply can't stop it. I've noticed that the urge to clean areas of the penthouse is taking over every now and again, I must be starting to nest, but I've managed to keep it at bay. It's not like the place is untidy, Hero's always been too proud of this place to allow it to become a mess. As my hot chocolate finishes, I remove the mug and place Hero's glass one in its place, the coffee pod with hazelnut syrup ready to go for his welcome home drink. I don't feel like watching TV, so I grab the book I've been getting myself lost in and sit myself down at the island, opening where I'm up to and lose myself in a different world.

About an hour and five long chapters later, I close the book, knowing I'm nearing the end and head over to the coffee machine. Placing the pod in the top, I hit the start button, hearing the soft hum of the machinery as the pod is pierced and the contents begin to run into the mug. The scent of hazelnut and coffee fills the air around me. I can't wait until I can actually enjoy a cup of coffee again. Giving it up hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be and I've not missed it as much as I I initially thought. Once the coffee machine stops, I remove the mug and place it on the island. Like clockwork, just as I'm placing it down, I hear the front door open. He's home.

Hero rounds the corner quickly before coming over to me to take me into his arms.

"Hello, beautiful," I smile as he wraps me in his arms, a kiss being placed on the top of my head. Wrapping my arms around him, I feel the baby kick right at the front of my stomach. She knows. Hero must feel her, she has some force behind her kicks now as his hand comes to where the both of us have just felt her.

"Hey baby girl," Hero leans down and places a kiss on my belly before returning up to me.

"Do you have any plans tonight?" I feel my face contort in confusion at his question. Why would he ask me that?

"I don't... Should I?" he smiles coyly at me. What's he hiding?

"You do now, put your shoes on, I had an idea on my way home," I sense urgency but the excitement in his voice so I quickly grab my coat, noticing he downs the majority of the coffee I made him in one while I get myself ready. What's he up to?


Hero leads me to the Tube station closest to his house and we hop on the train to head North to Warren Street. I honestly have no idea why he's brought us to Bloomsbury. What could possibly be in Bloomsbury that we had to come out on a Friday night when it's dark and cold?

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