Chapter 5: Story

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"I'm just getting off my plane. Give me five minutes to make it down there. I am hurrying." I laugh at Cam. It's been over five weeks since I saw him last. When I make it downstairs I see Cam surrounded by a group of people and he's signing autographs. I stand there and smile.

When he spots me he breaks away from everyone and rushes over to me. Cam embraces me in a tight hug. "Babe I missed you so much. Where is your stuff?"

"This is my stuff." I look down at the suitcase I have.

"You will be here for almost two months and this is all you brought?"

"Cam, I shipped a box to your house. Did you not get it?"

Cam looks up in thought. "Is that what that was?'

"Yesss...what did you do with my clothes, Cam?" I ask, placing my hand on my hip.

"I had the maid sit it in the garage. I thought it was camera equipment or something. I never opened the box."

Rolling my eyes I walk past him and out the front door to his car that's waiting out front.

"Story don't be mad."

"I'm not mad Cam." The driver takes my bag. Cam and I slide in the back seat.

"So, how was Australia?"

"Hot," I answer. "But it was nice. I got some great shots down there. I wish you could have gone with me into some of the villages."

"Oh know I hate that shit." He smiles leaning over kissing me on the lips. "But I'm glad you had a great time."

I lay my head back on the seat. I'm tired, and so glad to be getting a much-needed break. When I told Cam I was going home to stay with my parents for a little while he begged me to come and stay with him. So, I went and stayed with my parents for a week and now I'm here.

"What have you been up to Campbell?"

"Nothing really just clubbing and working out. Trying to put on a few extra pounds for this movie coming up."

Sitting up I let my eyes roam over him. He has gotten a little more muscular. I grin. I'm not going to compliment him because he will start asking me a thousand questions. I let my grin do all the talking for me as I run my hand over his arms.

"I look good - don't I?" He asks but I don't reply, still. I just smile at him.

When we make it to his house there are a few cars here.

"Who is here?"

"Just a few friends. We are all hanging out at the pool."

Frowning at him I run my hand through the braids I got two days ago. I'm letting my hair grow out and this is always the fastest way.

"Cam if I would have known you had company I would have gone to a hotel. I'm tired and don't want to see people."

"Baby it's not many people.?

The driver pulls up to the circle driveway and parks the car. He gets out and grabs my suitcase out the back. When we walk into the house it's people everywhere. Looking over at Cam I hold my hands up in the strangle gesture.

"Where am I sleeping?" I ask in a very exhausted voice.

"In my room where else."

Grabbing the handle to my bag I head upstairs, I'll get my box later. When I make it to his room there are two naked women in his bed. They stare at me and I stare at them. Feeling like an intruder, I twirl around I walk to one of the other bedrooms. I find the only other bedroom that has an en-suite bathroom. Closing the door, I strip out of my clothes and hop in the shower, and wash all the airplane air and people off me. When I finish I climb into bed under the soft-fluffy comforter. Before falling asleep I wonder what Ethan has been up to.

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