Chapter 9: Ethan

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I know she's here. I smell the cocoa butter she wears, but I can't open my eyes. She squeezes my hand and with all the strength in me, I squeeze her hand back. Fighting for consciousness, I finally open my eyes, and there she is. I want to pull her to me but my whole body feels weighed down with some invisible force. I want to talk to her but there is something in my mouth.

"Ethan," I hear Matthew call my name, but I ignore him. I'm so glad she's here.

A big bright smile comes over her face. "Ethan, Matthew is talking to you," she says.

Giving him the attention that he needs, my eyes glance over to him before I flick my focus back to her. I've been looking at Matthew all my life. He can wait.

I hear Matthew chuckle. "Always the asshole." I try to smile as best as I can, but I'm losing this fight for consciousness.

"Bro...Dad is flying back in tonight. I couldn't get a hold of mom. Declan has camp so I didn't even call him. I will call Karma and let her know in the morning. I couldn't get Juniper on the phone, so I just left a message."

My eyes start to close, but I give her hand one more squeeze. "I love you," I yell in my head.

Hearing talking, I slowly open my eyes. I look around and see I'm in a hospital room. It's bright in here so I have to squint. Matthew is standing at the foot of the bed talking on his phone. There's something still in my mouth so I can't talk. I wiggle my fingers and toes, but that is not enough to get his attention. With all the strength and willpower in me, I lift my hand and drop it on the bed.

Matthew's head snaps to me. "Ethan you're up," He says before telling whoever he is talking to he would call them back.

He walks closer to me. "Bro you've been out for like three days. You had started running a one hundred and four fever within the first twenty-four hours but they got you stable." He lets out a breath, that seems like he's been holding this whole time I've been out of it. "You had us all so scared."

Looking around the room I don't see anyone.

"Dad just left and went into the office. I've been talking to Karma every day because Declan is at camp and can't have his phone. King was here but had to leave because he had a game. Mom is downstairs getting coffee, and Juniper went down with her."

My eyes flicker back and forth. "Story?" I try to convey to him.

"Bro I can't understand anything you are saying but if you're trying to ask me about Cam's girlfriend, she went to L.A. She has been texting me every day checking on you. I think after her run-in with Juniper she felt it was best not to come back."

"What did Juniper say to her?" I wonder. I nod my head feeling a little irritated with Juniper.

The door comes open and my mom and Juniper walk in, both holding what I assume is coffee.

"Oh my God, Ethan you're awake," Juniper says, rushing over to my bed.

"Matthew, why didn't you call us?" my mom asks in a chastising tone.

"He just woke up."

"Ethan, baby you had me scared," my mom says grabbing my hands and squeezing them. "They arrested the person that hit you. He was driving drunk; his blood alcohol level was one point two percent - well above the level. The officer we spoke with said he was passed out at the scene and only sustained a broken arm."

Looking over to Matthew, I mentally will him to call, Story. I want to see her. He looks down at his phone and texts somebody. Please let it be her.

"Ethan, I thought I was going to lose you," Juniper says. "You don't know how hard I have prayed these past three days that you will be ok."

"Yes, Ethan...Juniper and I were talking and we both feel it's time to settle down. Time to start a family and it's past due time you let go of that tattoo shop. I'm sure your dad could find you a nice office job with him. This should be a wake call. You were leaving that tattoo shop way too late."

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