Chapter 10: Ethan

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"Baby I think we got everything," Juniper says. I'm sitting in the chair on the side of the bed. I've been getting up walking around for the past two days. It's hard but I'm not used to just laying around either.

When I woke the next morning from falling asleep with Story, she was gone. I haven't talked or seen her since, but if the nurses here have been informing her when I was free...I haven't been. Juniper has not left, not even for work.

"I already said that." I'm sitting in the chair trying to watch the highlights of Kingston's game.

"I know I was just double-checking." She's looking through my bags.

"I'm not sure how you are going to get up those steps at the apartment."

"I was thinking about that. My dad thinks I should stay at his house in one of the rooms downstairs."

"What?" She spins around to face me.

"Yea. If I do that then I don't have to take steps right now."

"Well, Ethan you would only have to take the steps once." Her pale skin has gone all red and her scowl is vicious.

"No. I need to go by the shop at least every other day." I lean back in the chair. It's not as comfortable as the bed, but I've never been the type of person that likes to lay around all day.

"I don't think that's a good idea. You need to be resting."

"No." I shake my head. "I need to be making sure my business is running fine. My life can't stop. I'm not going to be there long. I just need to stop in every day and check on things."

Her scowl goes to a frown. "Your life almost stopped, Ethan. And honestly, I was hoping you were thinking about selling the shop."

"Why would you be thinking that? I love my shop. I love what I do." I'm not sure why my mom and she keep bringing this selling my shop up, because I'm not selling it...especially for her.

"Well if you were coming home at a decent time then you may not have been in a wreck." I glance over at her and frown but decide not to say anything because it may be the wrong thing. The door opens and my dad strolls in.

"Good morning. Ethan, are you ready? Ella has gotten a room fixed up for you." Ever since the divorce, my dad has been a bit more chipper.

"Yes," I answer, standing slowly.

"So you had already decided this without talking to me." I rub my hand over my mouth trying not to be mean or rude.

"Juniper you are more than welcomed to visit anytime," My dad says but we both know she won't. She doesn't like the fact that my dad cheated on my mom several times. Juniper even acts funny toward Declan. Which is so stupid because none of it has anything to do with her.

"How long will you be there?" She asks, ignoring my dad. "You know I hate being home alone."

"No more than a week or two. My dad's driver will take me around until I can get a new truck. You can always go stay with your parents if you get too lonely."

"Why wouldn't you ask me to stay with you?"

"One we both know you are not coming over to my dad's, and two you sleep badly. I can't take the chance of you hitting my side."

Knock knock

"Here you go Mr. McKinley, your discharge papers." Looking at the nurse I nod getting up to accept the papers and walk over to the wheelchair she has for me.

"I'm grabbing your bags and heading down. My driver is already waiting out front." My dad grabs my things and strolls out the door.

"Ethan, I wish you would just come home. I want to be the one who takes care of you."

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