Chapter 17: Ethan

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"You two can sit right in here. Here is a gown you will need to change into and the doctor will be with you shortly," The nurse I think her name was Sheila says.

We both stroll into the room. I sit in one of the chairs next to the desk and Juniper changes out of her clothes into the gown provided before sitting on the examining table.

I haven't said much to her since we got here. When I made it back from changing her tire, Story was asleep. I got back in bed and when I woke up she was gone. She left me a note on the board in the kitchen that she was gone to meet David.

Rubbing my head, I let out a frustrated sigh. I feel like I'm doing everything wrong with her.

"Trouble in paradise?"

Raising my head slowly, I see a slight smile play on her lips. "No." I shake my head. "I'm just tired."

She rolls her eyes. She tried to have this same conversation this morning and I wasn't biting. What goes on between Story and I is none of her business.

"You're mother is really excited about her first grandchild. She was hoping to have the baby shower at her house. I'm hoping we can have it in the Spring in her backyard."


"Why not?"

"Because I will not do my brother like that. My mother will not be involved until she acknowledges her real first grandchild, because mine will not be it"

"Ethan, what does that have to do with our child? Whatever issues Matthew and her have should not fall on our child."

I don't respond to her, because I'm not budging on this. Feeling my phone beep, I pull it out of my back pocket and see a text from Cam.

Cam: Bro, why do you have my girlfriend Ubering around town? Your car not running?

Me: How do you know she's Ubering?

Cam: Because she just met me for breakfast after she met with David this morning.

Feeling a headache starting to rise I slide my phone back in my pocket. "What the fuck is she meeting up with Cam?" I think as I rub my temples.

Knock knock

The door opens and a tall older black man with grey hair walks in with Nurse Sheila.

"Good evening I'm Dr. Edison." He reaches out a hand for Juniper and me to shake. "Today we are just going to go over medical history, do a breast exam, a cervical exam, take some blood, and then I will see you-" he looks over at Juniper " a few weeks."

"Ok," Juniper says smiling. I just nod my understanding.

We go over her medical history. I step out when she gets her exam which got me an eye roll from her. The doctor gives her a due date for May but said it could change after she gets an ultrasound.

"Are there any questions?"

"Yes. How do these appointments generally go?" I ask.

"Pretty much checking her weight, vitals, taking a urine sample, and asking any question that might determine if we should have any concerns. They are all the same unless we have a problem. She will get at least two ultrasounds, and after ten weeks we will start listening to the baby each visit. Her appointments will start off being once a month, then every other week, and toward the end once a week." He looks around. "Any more questions?"

We both shake our heads. "Ok, Shelia will be back to take blood and then you can go to the front and schedule your next appointment.

When they both walk out I see the disapproval from Juniper. "Why did you ask that question?"

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