Chapter 13: Story

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Chapter 13: Story

Peeling open my eyes I try to remember where the fuck I'm at. I'm naked and have a killer headache and my mouth is as dry as the Atacama desert. When I try to move I feel the weight of Cam's body laying on top of mine.

"Cam...I have to pee get off me," I mumble, not recognizing my voice. It's raspy and lace with last night's drunk feast and sleep. He moans pulling me closer. "Cammm...I have to pee. Why are you even here?" I ask him.

"I guess my no sex with Cam strike has been broken," I think to myself.

Reaching for my phone, I slide my hand under the pillow but I can't find it. I open one eye and notice that the room is different. "Was we too drunk to go back to our room?" Turning my head, I scan the room but stop short of taking everything in when my eyes land on the tattooed hand that's under my not Cam's. But It's not the hand that has caused me to pause. Squinting, I look over the hand carefully and confirm my first thought. The hand has a diamond wedding band on the ring finger.

This tattooed hand has touched me in so many ways. I know it very well and I've never seen that ring before.

"Oh my Lord, I've slept with Ethan and he's married," I whisper.

Quickly pushing Ethan off me, I sit up and that was my first mistake of the morning. Gripping my head with both hands, I try to calm the frantic beating that's trying to kill me, by pushing my brain tissue through my ears. I slowly turn and see Ethan laid out on his back. He's naked and he looks so peaceful and beautiful.

"Ethan!" I yell his name, really wanting to hit this sonofabitch. "Ethan get the fuck up!" I yell again and my head starts this pounding that makes me think I'm sitting at the Battle of the Bands and I'm one of the drums.

"What?" He whispers, not opening his eyes.

"Ethan!" I say more forcefully. His eyes shoot open and they are looking straight at me.

"Why are you yelling?"

Grabbing his hand I hold it up to his face. "Why didn't you tell me you were married?"

"Why did I have to? You were there."

"I was there?"

"Yes, Story you were there."

He pulls me down on his side and reaches for something behind him. It's a paper that was on the side table. He hands me the paper. It's a marriage certificate. It's a marriage certificate that has his name and my name on it.

"What the fuck is this Ethan?" I ask sticking the paper in his face and that's when I see it. The three-carat princess cut diamond on my left hand. "Holy shit," I whisper. "It's beautiful." Shaking off the dream girl moment I push my hand in Ethan's. "What the hell is this?"

"I know that's the one you just had to have."

"I picked this out?"

"Yes," Ethan answers, pulling me closer. He rolls us and nudges my legs apart. He leans in and kisses me as he slides into my very, very sore center. A moan escapes my mouth.

"Ethan," I moan out. "We can't stay married."

He stops and a frown comes across his face. "Why not?"

"Because you are with Juniper and I'm with Cam."

"But we love each other, or was that the words of a drunk woman?"

"No." I shake my head because if nothing else I know I love him. "I do love you Ethan, and until this moment I didn't know how much. But it's not about just how we feel...what about how Cam and Juniper feel?"

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