Chapter 14: Ethan

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I'm pacing the lobby of the hotel Juniper and I are staying at. She just called but I didn't answer. I'm a that an understatement I'm a whole lot nervous. I walk to the elevator. I have to do this. She deserves to know the truth.

The elevator ride has to be one of the longest rides of my life. When I get to the room I stick my hand in my pocket to grab the key and realize that these are different pants. Sighing I knock on the door. Not a minute later the door flies open and there standing in the door is my mother.

"Ethan where have you been?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Juniper called me last night and told me the good news. I flew out to help plan. There's no reason to not do it right."


When I step into the room I see Juniper standing in the middle of the floor with a rack of wedding dresses, and a woman taking her measurements.

"What happened to being spontaneous?"

Her eyes snap to mine. "Well, you did say if we are planning it, then it wasn't spontaneous."

Rubbing my hand down my face, I feel like the whole world is collapsing on me. This is too much, it's always too much with her. I can barely breathe as I grab the collar of my shirt. "What the fuck is happening to me," I think. "Why the fuck can't I breath."

I drop down to one knee still trying to get my breathing under control as pain is shooting up my arms.

"Ethan!" I hear Juniper shout.

"Ethan baby breath," My mother says, rubbing my back. "It's just a panic attack. He will be fine Juniper, he had them all the time when he was younger and under a lot of stress."

My mother continues to coach me on my breathing and I eventually calm enough to not feel like I'm dying.

"Ethan, how are you feeling? Can you stand?" My mother asks. I nod my head.

Planting my hands on the wall next to me, I push myself up. I walk over to the bed and sit. Rubbing my hands down my face I look up and see the worried faces looking back at me. I shake my head. "I can't marry you. You did it again."

I see the moment the words leave my mouth, Juniper's whole world crumbles in front of us. "Why," she says around a sob.

"Wait a minute. Let's calm down here. Ethan, you will marry her. We've set everything up already. We have family flying out and everything," my mom states.

I ignore my mom and focus my attention solely on Juniper. "I told you last night that I wanted a wedding but you had to get married in Vegas, now you have to have a wedding. Why couldn't you wait until we got home? Why didn't you talk with me first?"

"It was a surprise, Ethan. I wanted to surprise you. All of this was me hoping you said yes because I'm pregnant."

The shock of her words almost knocks me out. The pain that was shooting through my arm a second ago is back with vengeance. "How," I choke out. Shaking my head. "How we always use condoms and you are on birth control. How are you pregnant?" I yell.

"I stopped taking my birth control after you were in the accident. I was preparing for us to get married and start a family."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I cover my face. "So all this was a trick?"

"No this is not a trick Ethan. You and Juniper love each other. She is pregnant and the right thing to do is marry her."

"The right fucking thing to do?" I stand quickly and walk over to the closet. Pulling out my suitcase, I sit it on top of the bed. When I open it I see I haven't even unpacked shit.

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