Chapter 11: Story

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"That's a rap," I tell the ladies that I have been shooting today. It's been two months since the day I walked away from Ethan, I've been trying to stay really busy.

"Story," Nash my assistance says, waving my phone in the air. "It's Cam."

"Ok give me a sec. I say packing up my camera equipment. Once I get my camera secure in my bag I take the phone. "Yes, Cam?"

"'s like that. You've been avoiding me and when I finally get you on the phone that's how I'm greeted." I smile at his dramatics. "I'm sorry. Let's try again. Hang up and call me back.

"No-no. It's alright. I hang up with you and may not ever get you on the phone again." He laughs. "I want to have dinner tonight."

"Dinner? I'm in New York Cam, not LA."

"I know where you are. I'm in New York, promoting the last movie."

"Oh ok. What time?"

"Nine. I will come to your apartment and pick you up."

"Ok. I will see you then." We both hang up and when I look up I see Nash with his mouth twisted. "What is it?"

"I thought we were done with him?"

"I didn't say that."

"I know but we haven't been following him around in two months."

Biting my lip, I roll my eyes. "First I was not following him around, and second we've been busy."

"Busy? Every time he calls you are not busy. You take pictures...not coming up with the cure for cancer."

Sticking up my middle finger I go back over and finish packing up the remainder of my stuff. "So we don't have anything scheduled for the next three days. Should I get you a plane ticket?"

"A plane ticket...for what?"

"Well, normally Cam calls and cries that he misses you and hasn't seen you. And you pack up and go with him until your next shoot."

"No, you don't have to get me a plane ticket, because we do have a shoot. I'm shooting my sister's engagement pictures tomorrow."

"Engagement? We both know Novel is not getting married. She will be bored with him in two months like the other engaged suckers."

I laugh because he's not lying. My sister is a socialite. She always had lots of friends. She also likes to date only famous men until they start trying to make it long-term. Cam and she are a lot alike.

"Honey...He is a soccer player. She hates we know that this is not going to last."

Nash is my best friend. We have been friends since middle school. Most people think he's gay because of his theatrical ways and the way he dresses, but he is married to a woman, his college sweetheart, and they have two kids.

"Well, she says this is the real deal."

"It's as real as a McDonald's burger." He picks up his man purse and pulls out his iPad. "I will believe it when I see it." He starts typing. "Have you decided on the Venezuela piece?"

"Tell them...huh. I don't know. I don't want to be down there that long. Let's try to negotiate on the length of stay before I commit."

"Will do, but I for one vote no. I don't know what I'll do if you get captured and sold. How will I get all the discounted clothes I get."

"Shut up."


"Coming!" I yell walking to the door. When I swing it open Cam is standing there with his hands in his pocket. I smile up at him.

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