Chapter 12: Ethan

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"So where are you going tonight?' Juniper asks me. We are sitting in Mr. Mamas, a restaurant she picked from some tourist website she looked up.

"I'm not sure. I didn't ask." I take a bite out of the burger I ordered.

"Is she going?" She doesn't look at me when she asks the question. She's trying to come off as if she doesn't care but is failing like always.

I drop my head and inwardly sigh. Ever since she saw Story at the airport earlier, every other sentence is about her. Why did I bring her to Vegas with me? I knew she was going to let her jealousy and insecurities ruin this trip for me, and I need this trip. I haven't been feeling myself for a while. I've been working more, coming home later and later. I feel as if my life ended the day Story walked out on me, and I've been trying to claim my life back but nothing is working. I want things to work with Juniper, but this right here is not helping me want her.

"Why do you keep asking me questions about her? I know what you know." I rub my hand over my mouth. In one of my attempts in trying to change my whole self, I cut the beard. My hair is still low, and black. "I didn't even know she was coming. Cam hasn't brought her up to me in months."

"Well, I'm sure she will be there. She follows Cam around like some lost puppy. She has to be intelligent so why settle for someone like Cam. She should find her someone that can show her what we have."

I don't respond because nothing I say will come off right, and I'm not in the mood to argue tonight. Plus I can't even think of her finding someone else.

"You know what we can do that would be fun?"

When I look up I see this glim in her eyes and I already know what she is about to say. Which will start the agreement I have desperately tried to avoid.

"What..will be fun?"

"We could get in Vegas." She smiles at me. "I know my parents would be mad but that should bring your spirits up. Ever since the accident you've been a little gloomy, so maybe we should be a little spontaneous."

"It's only spontaneous if you don't plan, you just go do. Plus getting married in Vegas isn't what I wanted when I decided to get married. I do want a wedding with my family there."

"Ethan, why are you always shooting down ideas to get married? Do you not want to get married?"

"You know I want to get married," I tell her. I'm just not sure I want to marry her. She's changed...hell I've changed.

"Well come on baby let's do this. Let's get married, let's start our family."

I look off. "Why don't I marry her...why am I still fighting this. Story and I could never be, but why can't we be? Why does she have to give up what she loves? I own my own business; I can travel with her - be with her. We don't have to be separated, and I can wait until she's ready for kids. I can tell that she would be a great mom. But then there's Cam. Can I do this to Cam, well I've slept with her a few times? Plus Cam isn't in love with Story. - I'm in love with Story," I sit here pondering to myself I forgot what Juniper even said.

"Ethan...can we get married?" My head snaps to her's. Now I remember.

"I'm not sure. I will think about it, but I'm not saying yes."

Her smile is victorious, letting me know she believes she won this battle. After we eat we walk around the crowded strip a little in companionable silence. Juniper has never been to Las Vegas and I'm not sure she is liking it. We hold hands as we walk down the busy sidewalk. Feeling my phone vibrate in the back pocket of my jeans, I pull out and read the new text message from Cam.

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