Epilogue: Ethan

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5 years later.

Knock knock

"Yes," I groan out from under the covers.

"Daddy I'm hungry," Chloe says through the door.

"Ok. I grab my phone off the nightstand and see it's seven thirty-two in the morning. "Fuck," I whisper as I groan in the pillow. I'm still not a morning person.

"I can get up."

"Naw I can," I say rolling over pulling her against my chest. I run my hands up her sides and over her belly. Once I've gotten my morning feel I rise up and throw my feet over the bed. I stand and walk to the bathroom, letting out a very loud yawn. Once I use it, I step out of the room almost tripping over the toys lined up outside of my door.


When I walk into the great room I see Chloe sitting on the couch. She's watching something on Disney Plus.

"Chloe, why didn't you get your toys up?"

"I didn't do that," she says. Her now dirty blonde hair is all over her head. She looks back at me with the same brown eyes as Junipers.

"What do you want to eat?"


"Any fruit?"

"No," she shakes her head causing her hair to fly and slap her in the face.

I walk to the kitchen and look in the pantry. "Chloe!" I yell. "No cereal."

"I will fix something." My eyes roam over her, as she stretches her hand up to a shelf in the cabinet and grabs a bowl. I take a seat on the stool at the counter. I love to watch her.

"You can go check on the twins," she says, bending in the fridge pulling out the eggs and some spinach. "I'm sure Wylder is up, just laying in the bed."

"Yes ma'am," I say watching her ass as it jiggles in those tight shorts. Getting up, I walk upstairs, but have to stop at the top to open the baby gate. I hate so much. It's supposed to keep the twins upstairs but my rambunctious three-year-old son figured out how to open it at one years old. So it's more of a pain now than anything.

Walking down the hall, I spot what looks like the whole toy box of toys everywhere. When I walk in the room I see Wylder laying in the bed sucking on his index and middle finger. His hazel eyes like mine watch me. His black hair sticks up on the side from him laying on it.


"Morning," he says in his little deep raspy voice. Are you ready to get up? He nods his head and sits up. My eyes glance over at Wynter and I wonder if I'm supposed to wake her up too. Wylder gets out the bed and we both head to the bathroom.

"You stayed dry all night," I say holding my hand up for a high five. He hits my hand and throws his head back and lets out a sneaky laugh. Sitting down on the side of the tub I start helping him brush his teeth. Wynter strolls in about two minutes later. She pulls down her pullup and steps on the stool to sit on the potty.

"Daddy I am a big boy, I don't potty on myself," Wylder says. I nod my head as my eyes dart back over to my sleepy girl.

"You know you could have waited for a little privacy," I tell her and she just stares at me with the same hazel eyes as Wylder and mine. My baby is like me; she has never been a morning person, ever. It took a while for me to get on kid times, but when Wynter was smaller she would take several naps during the day just to stay up with me. We would sit up and watch TV until we fell asleep.

I finish helping Wylder brush his teeth and then help Wynter. Once we are all done we head back to their room so they can get dressed.

"Who took all these toys out last night?" I already know who did it but my eyes flick to Wynter to see if she will give up her brother this time. She doesn't answer me she just turns and starts picking up the toys that her brother put on the floor. I honestly didn't realize that fraternal twins would be as close as they are. Wylder sees Wynter so he starts helping pick up the toys.

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