Chapter 16: Story

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"So where are you now?"

"I'm meeting David to look at a space for a studio?"

"I'm not moving to the South," Nash tells me.

"I know you're not, but I have to be able to work from here."

Nash sighs. "I can't believe you are leaving New York." He sighs dramatically. "But I've looked at a few houses there and they are much cheaper and bigger than here."

"Why are you looking for a house?"

"Because when I told Melody you moved, she went on this rant about how she hated New York and would love to have a house like yours and a yard."

I laugh. "You sure it was Melody?"

"Hell yes. You know me and the heat don't mix. But you know I will do anything for Mel even sweat out a good suit. Plus I can't let you replace me. How else am I going to dress like this?" I snort.

"What did Novel say about you sneaking off and marrying a stranger? And when is her wedding?"

"She didn't really say anything, but congratulations." I laugh. "You were right she is in Australia with some new soccer player."

"What was that...I didn't hear you? Can you speak louder?"

"You were right," I say with a sigh and a chuckle.

"See what I tell you. Novel is a party girl, not a marrying girl. Marriage is too much work. Work she doesn't have time for."

"Well, I'm pulling up to the building. I will take pictures and send them."

"Good because I need to see how I can decorate it and where my desk can go. Give that David my number. I need him to look for a house for me too."

"Will do sweets, talk to you later."

Climbing out of my Uber. I grab my camera bag.

"Hey darling you cute," David says hugging me.


"Now my office is two doors down so I can let you know this is a good area."

When we walk in, the place is nice with plenty of natural light.

"There are three rooms. Two with no windows which would be great to take pictures in and the third one a little smaller which would be nice for an office. The bathrooms have been redone."

Pulling out my phone I snap pictures for Nash.

"This is a great space. I'm hoping a lot of my work can start coming to me which will cut down some of my travelings."

"I forget Ethan is more like a cowboy than a goth," David says rolling his eyes.

"Well, you have to compromise when you're married."

David turns. "See that's why I don't want to get married." He sticks his hands in his pockets. "Don't lose yourself compromising too much. Men from the south can be bullheaded, and trust me you married one."

Nodding, I walk through the place taking more pictures. The place is a steal; something like this in New York would be a million dollars and it's just two hundred and fifty thousand.

"Can I think about it and get with you tomorrow."

"Yes, you can. I'm already two houses ahead of my mom."

I smile and open my Uber app.


Walking into Ethan's shop I walk straight to the receptionist desk. No one is sitting there and everyone seems busy, so I head to the back.

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