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(Before you begin, I don't suggest reading this on an empty stomach or near other humans. I'm sorry. I love you though <3) 

Spencer's POV:

I am reading a fascinating book, I'm really glad that I'm out of that joined room, and in a private cell. To be honest with you, y/n seemed super off today. She showed me pictures of Evangeline, it's weird I'm an uncle now. She seemed thinner, but I didn't want to mention it. I have no clue what she is going through, I tried asking JJ, and she said to ask her. 

My thoughts were interrupted by two men, walking by my cell. I stuck my head up to see who it was. Instead of walking past my cell they stopped and walked in. I put my book down, I could feel my heartbeat speed up. "What's up snitch? That your girlfriend who came to see you earlier?" The thinner man asked. He was the same guy who she tensed at when he walked by. I knew she knew him somehow. 

"She's just a friend." I lied. Then you noticed a man outside the cell, watching. 'Shit' you thought. 

"You never got any? What's wrong with you man?!" The more muscular man said. Before I knew it they threw me against the wall and used a towel to snuff me. The larger one punched my stomach. I tried screaming. Nothing. They threw me to the cot, and started to choke me, punch me, anything they could. I got out one scream for help. The fact of the matter being many probably heard me, but no one was going to intervene. 

I couldn't take this shit anymore, HOPE would not save me anymore. I didn't expect this place to sunshine and unicorns but I knew that I might have to adjust myself to this more than I originally thought. 


Your POV:

Fuck sleep. You didn't sleep again. The nurse quit a week after you last seen Spence, Diana had a bad freakout that scared her away. There is a new nurse. JJ has been up your ass, literally forcing food down your throat, you went on daily runs. You looked at the time. 3am. You've been laying down staring at the ceiling for 3 hours. You got out of bed and went in to work. Em wasn't happy with your work schedule lately. 

You got into the office within 30 minutes of realising the time. You went to Pen's office. You spent a shit ton of time in there. You went to her system and entered her password. You secretly have been figuring out what happened while you were gone. Today you decided to watch the security videos of the team watching the videos Carter sent them. 

The one that you were watching first was the one where you had punched the guy and knocked him out. You watched as Pen gasped and jumped, Em laughed. Which made you laugh. Spence left in every single video. He would storm out. You watched the other cameras and watch him scream at JJ or Morgan, or even the new guy. You looked up some of the records from the bar he would go to, you looked at the receipts, he drank his guts out literally. 

You finished all the videos and looked at all the case reports from when you were gone, which required you to leave the cave and go to a filing room. You barely got in. You looked through each and every case. You sat on the disgusting floor and read through more. Spencer writing making you emotional. The babies were getting so big. You have an appointment to go see him tonight. You have no clue how your going to hide the bump. 

You were reading a case about the dirty ten I think. Someone knocked on the door. "Come in." You said. In walked Tara. She smiled at you and you returned the gesture. She sat next to you. 

"Oh the dirty dozen that was a fun one." She said. You chuckled lightly. "What are you doing here?" She asked in a nurturing voice. 

"Matching Spence's bank records to case's." You said. She nodded and lost her smile. 

Hiraeth (Reader x  Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now