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This is it, you had an early morning class then you were going to Quantico to help on a new case. You were gonna meet everyone debriefing. You were done with the class, you had already had breakfast, you were too lazy to change out of your uniform. You were nervous you looked different and you cut your hair like a week ago to shoulder length. (Forgot to include that oops)

You put on your leather jacket and went off to the BAU. You were nervous for what Spencer was gonna say. You walked in and got checked in. You had your go bag in your arm, you were carrying your leather jacket. Your uniform looked really good on you, it shockingly fit really well around your curves.

You were 15 minutes late. You decide to power walk your ass to that round table. Here goes nothing. You walk in and everyone turns their head. They all run up to hug you except for Hotch and Spencer. You dropped your bag. "O-M-G, y/n you're on this case." Pen said, she was the first to see you. They all ran up even Kate and gave you a hug. Showering you with compliments, you see Spence slip out the other door. "And there goes pretty boy." Morgan says. JJ went after him "You sit, I'll be back." She said. You sat down so you could be close to Pen who held your hand as the others talked to you. You were all waiting for Spencer and JJ to get back before you went over the case.

"I'm glad to be back, but after this case I have to go back to the base. Hotch I actually needed to talk to you after the debrief." You said. He nodded in agreeance. You were nervous for Reid to get back. As soon as he did he sat where he usually does and so did JJ. Pen finished the debrief. As you were on your way to Hotch's office, everyone left the room. Pen grabbed your arm. "Pen let go." You said. "y/n, did you?" She said pointing to your cuts on your upper forearm. Instead of saying anything you got up and jumped into her arms. "Oh, hun. It's ok y/n." She said starting to cry. "I just felt so guilty for leaving. For not giving him a proper goodbye. Leaving in general, I wish for our sake I didn't." You said crying into her. She held you for a while. Her embrace made you feel safe, and like you didn't have to worry anymore. It felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket after standing in the snow without warm clothes. 

By the time she let you go, everyone had already left and was on their way to the plane. You got on your motorcycle and shockingly beat the rest of the team. As you were getting off your bike, everyone got there. "*whistle* damn y/n." Morgan said. You just smiled and got off your bike. You got on the plane. You sat next to Hotch so you could talk to him. You were unsure about this but you wanted to over hear this conversation. After the plane had already taken off, you said it. "Hey Hotch, about that thing." You say. "Y/n the general already called. I don't want you thinking about that during this case, we'll talk when we get back." He says to which you nod your head and walk towards the bathroom with your go bag. You come back wearing skin tight black jeans and a skin tight black t-shirt with a black blazer. You walk next to Kate and sit down. "How's Meg?" You ask. "She's good, I'm glad you remembered." She responded. "I was wondering if I could meet her sometime?" You asked. "That would be amazing, lately she's been distant. It might be nice to have someone younger talk to her." She said. You nodded. 

After getting off the plane the team went it's separate ways. Kate, Hotch, Rossi, and Morgan all went to the local precinct, to discuss with the local police force. Hotch unknowingly sent you JJ and Spencer all to the morgue. Sometimes Hotch just lost his marbles. You were confused when he initially sent you too, because you still needed to have that conversation. The drive to the medical examiner's office was awkward and graciously short-lived. You could tell how upset he was towards you especially. 

He didn't say anything, he just sat there. He fiddled with his fingers like a 1st grader who just got denied line leader duty. His behavior was immature and annoying. You were relieved when you finally got to the ME's office. As soon as JJ parked you jumped out of the car. You couldn't stand it anymore, you had to get out of the situation to withhold yourself from going full on crazy bitch on him. 

You stood behind JJ and him. You occasionally spewed out facts. Everytime you said something JJ would give you her attention while Reid refused to look in your eyes. When he first talked you were finally able to get a good look of him without him getting frustrated. He had huge bags under his eyes. His eyes rarely dilated during the conversation which was weird for him. He would usually get interested then his mind would take him somewhere else. 


When you got to the 'cult' or whatever, when you got to their sanctuary. You were watching the worshippers looking for someone you didn't know who. Morgan talked to a man dressed in all black he was most likely their leader. When he was talking you saw a man look up at you. He was the first person you pulled into a room to talk to. You told him to have a seat to which he obeyed. 

You thought deeply of what to ask. "What happened to your arm." You asked. "Si seulement tu pouvais comprendre." (If only you could understand) French? You caught onto what he was doing. He had something he needed to say but he couldn't. 

"Je ne comprends pas." (I do understand) That made him look you in the eye, something he has had yet to have done. He slid the cast off and placed it onto the table that seperated the both of you. "Pourquoi porterais distribution si tu n'en as pas besoin?" (Why would you wear a cast if you don't need it?" You questioned. He just looked intently at it. Then you saw it in his eyes, regret.

He reached for the cast, you grabbed it and pulled it away. As you pulled it away a piece of paper fell out. "ce n'est rien. Je...." (That's nothing. I....) You got a good look out the image. "J'ai vu l'autre moitié de ça. Tu es le pére de Bobby. Tu viens avec moi. Allez." (I've seen the other half of this. You're Bobby's father. You're coming with me. Come on.) You said getting up. "Lls le tuerant si tu me dénonceras. lls tueront mon fils." (Wait, they will kill him if you expose me. They will kill my son.) He said. "Tu n'es pas là parce que tu es croyant, n'cest-ce pas?" (You're not here because you're a believer are you?" He shook his head no. In french he explained the situation.

Fast forward.

You, JJ, and Spence handled this one. You were your way 1818 Smith street residence owned by Jon Kanak. It was just you. You knew how little time you had left to save him. You told Hotch that you were going in as soon as you got there. You kicked the door down. You cleared the main floor before descending the basement stairs. When you got downstairs the tanks were lined by fueling the freezer, the door cracked open. You kicked the door open. "That's acetylene gas coming out of there, you know what that means?" Said a man you perceived to be Jon. You nodded at his question. "Let's talk about this, Jon." You said looking at Bobby's father lying on the ground. "It means you pull that trigger and we all die. Ok? I spark this  and we all die." Jon said raising the possibly lethal trigger. You shot anyway because that with your gun and the temperature of the room nothing was going to explode. 

You were lucky enough to watch Bobby reunite with his father. 

Fast forward

The plane ride was normal, you fell asleep. You knew what kind of night was ahead. 


Heyyyy, so I decided to start making y/n seem like the genius she is. I have an idea that will add more trauma to y/n. I know, but it seems to fit the story well. I'm debating stuff rn. LMK how you think their convo should go. <3

Hiraeth (Reader x  Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now