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I've decided that I'm gonna make the time that Khan is on the Enterprise longer than two days. That is not long enough for two people to get to know each other and fall in love. It took me a couple of weeks to fall in love with Benedict, so we'll go with one or two weeks. Good? Good.


Khan...that was a name Charlotte was still getting used to. It had been a few days since he came onto the Enterprise and she had been nothing but kind to him. She was currently watching him sleep. She felt bad for him. How would it feel to be taken from everything you've ever known, be given minimal food and water, barely have any human contact (and the only people who you did talk to were angry at or afraid of you), and not have any proper bedding materials? The tempature in the holding cell was also turned down, making it practically freezing. Khan seemed to be fine. His arms were wrapped around himself and his legs were bunched up, but he wasn't shaking or anything. He looked like a little, dark ball of soulessness. Charlotte sighed. She went to her room and got a fleece wolf blanket she'd had since she was young. She enlarged the metalic hole so she could get through. She then draped it around Khan. He relaxed a little. His eyes opened. Charlotte scuttled away. Khan looked over at her.

"Is this your blanket, Doctor?" He asked.

"Yes." Charlotte nodded. "You don't have to use it if you don't want to. I just thought it was just really cold so you might want something to keep you warm."

"I really don't understand why you're being so nice to me." Khan said. "I am a criminal, in case you've forgotten."

"No, I understand that very clearly." Charlotte said. "I've told you, it's how I am."

"Thank you, I suppose. It's a little too small for me, though." Khan said. "You should get some sleep, Doctor. Rest that injured shoulder of yours."

"I'm not sleepy." Charlotte said. She yawned right after she said it, though.

"Oh, yes you are." Khan said.

"No, I'm not." Charlotte lied.

"I would suggest you do get your rest." Khan said, laying back down. "The next few days are going to be long for you."

"I have orders to stay awake and watch you." Charlotte said.

"I'll be asleep. I'm assuming that's going to be boring to watch." Khan said as he closed his eyes. Charlotte huffed.

Khan fell asleep soon, curled up underneath the blanket Charlotte had gotten for him. Her eyes started to get heavy. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. This would only be a quick catnap. Her eyes closed and she slipped into a deep, dreamless sleep. When she awoke, she was greeted by Khan's eyes watching her. She screamed and punched the glass. Khan wasn't even fazed by it.

"Good morning, Doctor." He said.

"What the heck, Khan?!" She said.

"I got bored and had nothing else to do." Khan shrugged. "If it's all the same to you, I'd prefer we keep my true name between us, Doctor."

"Okay." Charlotte nodded.

She went and got a book. It was the old kind, with pages and that kind of thing. Most books were on tablets or computers, so this kind of thing was rare. Khan looked at it with intrest.

"What is that?" He asked.

"It's a book." Charlotte said.

"That's a book?" Khan said.

"Yes. It's the old kind." Charlotte said.

"What are you reading?" Khan asked.

"Waggit's Tale. It's about a pack of dogs who are trying to survive in a park." Charlotte said.

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