Back on the Enterprise

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Charlotte obeyed Khan and began running after him. Khan hoped to lose the StarFleet ships and officers. Khan glanced back at Charlotte.

"How are you holding up?" He called.

"I can keep up!" Charlotte called, sprinting up to him. "It's funny, now I feel like I can run forever!"

"It's because of my blood." Khan said.

"If we live through this, remind me to thank you." Charlotte said.

Charlotte and Khan continued running for their lives. They finally thought that the had outrun the ship. They were deep into what seemed like the planet's woods and slowed down. Charlotte and Khan were panting. Khan suddenly looked up.

"Oh no." He said. "I've made a mistake."

"What? What is it?" Charlotte said.

"Be quiet and hide." Khan said. He pointed to a tree that had a small hole in it that was just big enough for her. "There. Don't make a noise and don't move."

Charlotte gave Khan a confused look, but obeyed him. She crawled in the hole and Khan quickly concealed her by putting a large rock just in front of the hole. It happened just in time, too. Charlotte heard a Phasor shoot and several people running.

"Shoot him if he doesn't answer and keep the Phasors on stun!" Kirk's voice called.

"Yes, Captain." Spock said.

"Where's Charlotte?" Kirk asked. Khan didn't answer. "Where is she?!"

"I don't know who you're talking about." Khan said.

"Charlotte. Your old girlfriend? She's been missing for a few months and we saw a woman running with you into these woods." Kirk said. "I will ask you one more time: Where is Charlotte Spinster?"

Charlotte heard Khan sigh. He went up to her hiding place and removed the rock. He kneeled down to face her. She looked back at him, scared.

"It's okay." Khan coaxed. "Come on. I'll keep you safe."

Charlotte finally crawled out of the hole after some more gentle encouragement from Khan. She faced her old crew and realized how shabby she and Khan looked compared to them. Charlotte was still somewhat skinny from being sick and Khan was skinnier than normal becaus he hadn't eaten during the time Charlotte had been sick. There were also bags under his eyes from not sleeping. Kirk's crew looked fit and clean. Charlotte looked down at her feet. Khan stood protectively in front of her.

"Well, never thought I'd see you again, Charlie." Kirk smirked.

"It's Charlotte. Charlotte Laura Singh." Charlotte said bravely.

Kirk was silent for a moment before sighing. "You two got married? I should have known. That's why you ran away. To elope."

"Yes. That's exactly what I did." Charlotte nodded.

"You know, all this could have been avoided if I'd just killed you on Kronos." Kirk said, speaking directly to Khan.

"Yet you didn't. And here we are." Khan said. "If I have to, I'll fight my way out."

"Khan, look around you. Stop and think, we're outnumbered." Charlotte whispered frantically. "And I'm still very weak."

"Listen to the girl. She has sense, unlike you." Kirk said. "It would be wise for you just to come quietly."

"Khan, we should just go." Charlotte said.

"No, Charlotte." Khan said. He looked down at his wife. "We came here to escape StarFleet. I'm not taking you back there."

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