How Much Do You Love Me?

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Charlotte's head was pounding. Khan had told her to sit tight in the Captain's chair. The ship was hurtling towards Earth. Khan, after making a few last preperations, covered Charlotte's body with his own. He placed his chin on top of her head.

"Hold onto me tightly." Khan said.

"Okay." Charlotte said. She wrapped her arms around Khan tightly.

"We're going to crash in a few minutes. I don't know if you'll survive." Khan said. 

"I love you." Charlotte said.

"I love you too." Khan said.

Charlotte and Khan waited for several agonizing minutes. They both felt the ship skim ground and then crash into the water. Charlotte buried her head in Khan's chest. She was terrified. Khan stroked her hair, trying to calm her. When the ship finally landed, it was on land. The ship was wrecked and small fires were burning. Khan was holding Charlotte to him. He stood up shakily, shock written all over his face. He picked Charlotte up and slid down some of the desbris like it was a slide. He held Charlotte to him again. He stopped short and stood up.

"Prepare yourself." He whispered.

"For what?" Charlotte asked. "KhaAAAAAAN!"

Charlotte screamed his name as they jumped down from the debris. Khan's back caught on the wing and they slid down that. Khan landed perfectly and set Charlotte down.

"Follow my lead." Khan said.

He started walking quickly around the clamoring crowd. He made eye contact with no one, slinking away silently. Charlotte followed suit. Khan elbowed past two officers who were going to check what had happened out. He grabbed a silver coat from a chair outside a cafe. Charlotte struggled to keep up with him. He slipped the coat on and slowed as he heard the sound of someone getting beamed to Earth. He looked behind him and saw the last of some golden rays leaving Spock's body. They locked eyes. Khan grabbed Charlotte.

"RUN FOR IT!" He shouted.

Khan took off like a shot. Charlotte ran after him blindly. This was the fastest she'd ever run in her life. She followed Khan into the building. He took the stairs two at a time, and Charlotte did the same. Khan smashed through a window. Charlotte pranced over the hole he had left behind. After they left through the building, Khan took her by the hand. They ran across a busy street together. Somehow, Khan had known that she wouldn't cross it by herself. Charlotte was panting. Khan saw a ship rising into the air and ran at it. His timing had to be perfect. He shoved past a guard and jumped on it. He turned to see Charlotte, who lept with all her might. She was able to grab the edge. Khan pulled her up. They were both panting. Charlotte looked up at him.

"That was fun! Let's do that again!" She said. Khan burst out laughing. He then saw Spock running towards the ship and jumping at it. He managed to catch the bottom.

Khan stormed towards the edge of the ship. He saw Spock climbing up and jumped towards him. He kicked the phasor out of the First Officer's hands. Khan picked Spock up and threw him at a wall. Charlotte watched in horror as both Spock and Khan faught. Her loyalties were divided. Khan was an expert fighter. He was twisting and dodging and throwing the most powerful punches and kicks that Charlotte had ever seen. Charlotte knew that her first loyalty was to her crew. Of all people, Khan would understand that.

Spock grabbed Khan's shoulder in a Vulcan death grip. Khan cried out in pain. Khan fought it off and twisted Spock's wrist off. He threw the Vulcan off and lifted him up by his skull. He held it in his powerful hands, ready to kill him like he had killed Marcus. Spock had a feeling that he was going to die. 

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