I Can Feel You Breathe

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It had been three weeks since Khan had been caught. Kirk had woken up and was alive and well again. He had woken up two weeks after the fight with Spock and had decided to give Khan a trial. Khan had told the story of his past and reawakening by Admiral Marcus. Charlotte had been there. It had seemed like he was telling the truth. Khan was going to be put back to sleep today and Charlotte felt like she was dying inside. She would never be able to see Khan again. Khan had stayed in a high security holding cell and they had spoken quietly the night before, telling each other how much they loved one another. Charlotte was sitting out in the waiting room with the other members of the Enterprise crew, awaiting to hear when Khan was put to sleep. A doctor came into the room.

"He's throwing a fit. He says he won't go down unless someone named Charlotte Spinster puts him to sleep." The doctor said.

"That would be me." Charlotte said, standing up shakily.

"Come on, then." The doctor said.

He led Charlotte to the back room. Khan was sitting on an examination table, his hands cuffed. His eyes lit up when he saw her. Charlotte fought the urge to run to him as she turned to the doctor.

"I know how to do this since I am a doctor myself." She said. "I work best alone, so would you mind leaving?"

"Okay." The doctor nodded.

He left and Charlotte walked up to Khan. She wrapped her arms around him, her cheek brushing his. Khan kissed Charlotte's forehead, wanting nothing more than to just hold her for years. She looked into his eyes.

"Khan, I'm sorry." She said.

"For what?" Khan said.

"I should have tried to get you out last night, but I'm a coward." Charlotte said.

"I don't mind." Khan said, shaking his head. "I don't want you to get captured too."

"Whatever you say." Charlotte said. "I love you."

"I love you too." Khan said.

Charlotte started prepping the sedative. She looked towards the cyrotube, which was ready for Khan to sleep in. She went over to Khan.

"I have two ways we can do this." She said. "You can drink it, which would put you under faster, or I can give you a shot, which gives us more time together."

"I will choose the shot." Khan said.

Charlotte nodded and put the sedative in a syringe. She went over to Khan and took his hand. He was shaking a little. Charlotte, with shaking hands and tears streaming down her face, injected the sedative into Khan's veins. She cupped Khan's face in her hands and kissed him on the lips. Khan kissed her back and then looked at her sadly.

"Could you lay beside me while I fall asleep?" He asked.

"Of course." Charlotte said.

She laid down on the examination table next to Khan, facing him. He wrapped his arms around her waist. Khan didn't want to close his eyes and leave Charlotte. He knew that she was dying inside right now. He yawned and watched as Charlotte suppressed a sob.

"Khan, you can go. It'll be okay." Charlotte said. "I'll be just fine."

"I don't want to leave you, Charlotte." Khan said. "I want to keep my eyes on you for as long as possible."

Khan put his forehead against Charlotte's. He nuzzled her and looked into her eyes, never wanting to close his own. He wiped Charlotte's tears away.

"Please don't cry." He said.

"I can't help it. I'm going to miss you." Charlotte said. "Who on Earth is going to hold me after I've had a nightmare? Who's going to irritate me so badly that I smash a plate on their head? Who's going to hold my hand while I sleep? What big, scary prisoner is going to be a trypanophobic? Who's going to love me besides you, Khan?"

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