
1.9K 62 9

Khan and Kirk were walking down the hall together. Charlotte was walking with Khan as far as she could. Scotty had gotten on the other ship. Even though he had resigned, he was still loyal to the Enterprise. She went to help Khan suit up while Bones helped Kirk. They were both wearing suits that would keep them warm while they flew through space and would protect their faces while they could still see through the glass. Before Charlotte closed the face mask, she and Khan kissed.

"Be safe, don't do anything crazy, and don't die." Charlotte said. "I love you."

"I love you too." Khan said. Charlotte started to walk away. "Charlotte...wait."

"What is it, Khan?" Charlotte asked, tilting her head.

"I..." Khan's voice trailed off. He wanted to tell Charlotte of his plan, but he knew she would never forgive him. "I just wanted to make sure you don't think of me differently because of my past."

"I just kissed you, didn't I?" Charlotte asked.

"Yes." Khan nodded.

"Then I don't think of you any differently." Charlotte said. She kissed Khan on the cheek before closing the face mask. "Now, go attack a ship."

"I've got your permission, then?" Khan tilted his head.

"Just go." Charlotte laughed.

She went to the bridge and Khan went with Kirk to where he would leave. She nodded to Spock, who was in the Captain's chair. She went over to him and kneeled down.

"Tell me this is gonna work, please." Charlotte said.

"I have neither the information nor the confidence to do so, Doctor." Spock said.

"Great." Charlotte sighed. "I feel so comforted."

"Okay, I'm set to open the door!" Scotty's voice said.

"Are you ready?" Kirk asked.

"Are you?" Khan replied.

"Stay safe." Charlotte whispered.

"Spock, pull the trigger." Kirk comanded.

"Launching activation sequence on" Spock said.

A door on the Enterprise opened and Khan and Kirk shot out through it. Charlotte paced nervously. Kirk was off course, but Khan wasn't. Charlotte was so worried. What if Khan got hurt? Kirk's helmet had gotten hit. Charlotte was beginning to breathe a little easier since nothing had happened to Khan yet. She gasped when she saw that there was debris directly ahead of her boyfriend.

"Khan, used evasive action! There's debris right ahead of you!" Charlotte said.

"I see it." Khan said. "Thank you."

Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, after a few seconds, Khan's signal was lost. Charlotte tensed up and swallowed.

"Did we lose Khan's signal?" She asked.

"I don't know, Doctor. I'm having trouble tracking him in all the debris." Charlotte said.

"Was Khan hit?" Kirk asked.

"We're trying to find him now." Spock said.

Kirk tried to adjust his position after a warning from Sulu. They were still trying to find Khan. Charlotte was trying not to panic. What if Khan was hurt or worse?

"Spock, my display's dead. I'm flying blind." Kirk said.

"Captain, without your display compus, hitting your target is mathematically impossible." Spock said.

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