Errand Girl???

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My mom was the first one who went here, she had a job here and she left us in our grandma for 1 year and came back to bring us here in Korea. She finally got a permanent job now which is selling houses. My brother, let's call him Ken, was with my aunt in America, he's in college now. I used to went to school in Daegu but, for private reasons we got to move here in Seoul. I have my first day of school in Yonsei University tomorrow, I was really nervous because obviously I don't have friends here or I don't even knew anyone here except my mom, I'm not even close to our neighbor...yet?

"Kyla!~" Yup, that's my name, forgot to tell you. "Yessu?" I ran downstairs. "Are you done cleaning your room, is the boxes unpacked?" I nodded, I'm quite proud of myself of how I cleaned my room, dust free. "Good. Now, help me bring this fruit basket to the neighbor." My face lightened because finally I somehow knew someone. "Sure, I'll just fix myself and take a shower baboosh~" Mom chuckled, she maybe knew how excited I am to meet the neighbor. I just wore a vintage black t-shirt tucked in my denim skirt above my knee with a red flannel on my shoulders. 

We went outside, went to the neighbor's house which just beside our house. Mom knocked on the door because my hands are full. The door opened. "Hello, whoa is this really your daughter?" I smiled flattered. "Yes Mrs. Lim, like mother like daughter." They both chuckled. I just chuckled too even though I didn't understand what just mom said. "Oh, by the way where's Jook-yung?" As mom was asking the question, there was a loud thud and 2 person running inside the house. "Give it back now!" The girl screamed."No, noona stop it, it hurts!!!" They got their hands on each other's hair. "Yah! There's a guest hajima!" Mrs. Lim said and threw a slipper at them. 

They both stopped, my eyes meet with the girl with the glasses and pimples. I smiled at her, she suddenly covered her face and run upstairs. "That was Jook-yung, and you must be?" Mrs. Lim asked me. "Kyla, I would love to shake hands and bow to you but my hands are kinda full." I sarcastically replied. "Oh, right...this is all for you, I almost forgot of how heavy is that basket HAHAHA..." I threw a fake smile at my mom which was still laughing by the way.

We're all inside and my arms are still numb. "Annyeong!~" I almost had a heart attack. "I'm Juyoung!~" I shook his hand. "Noona, you're really pretty...what's your name?" My real name is too long since I'm a Filipino. "Kyla, just can call me Kc-noona." I smiled at him. "Where's your sister?" He pointed upstairs. "She's really mean..."  He mumbled while massaging his head. "Noona, you have a really beautiful smile!~" I smiled a bit again. "Jinja?" I said. He nodded with his lips pout. "You look like a gangster at first, you're all wearing black." I just chuckled at his cuteness.

"So, you're at the same school as Jook-yung?" I nodded. "Are you nervous for tomorrow?" I nodded again. "Ne..." I chuckled nervously. "Gwaenchana Noona, I'm at the school too, I'll protect you." Juyoung said smilling. "My eldest is still at work, she'll be home soon, Where the hell is Jook-yung?." Mrs. Lim sighed in distress.
She went down from upstairs and sat with us, she doesn't wear any glasses anymore, her pimples are now covered with make-up and she's beautiful. "H-Hello..." She bowed. I bowed at her too. "I'm Kyla, you can call me Kc sometimes." I handed out my hand. She reach it and shook my hand shakingly. "J-Jook-yung." She stuttered. "Aigoo, I forgot I have to do something. Bye noona!~" Juyoung said while running upstairs. "I almost forgot too, let me serve you all a ramyeon." Mrs. Lim said while mom volunteered to help her in the kitchen.

Jook-yung and I are the only left at the living room. I'm not that talkative unless I know the person, I looked at her and she looked away. "I won't tell..." I said making sure of it. "O-oh...I heard you're at the same school as I am..." She replied, changing the subject.

𝙸𝚏 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚞𝚜, true beautyWhere stories live. Discover now