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 I'm reading it from top to bottom. "If I could throw my phone." I sighed.  

I saw Su-ah walking. "Su-ah..." She looks at me. "How could you not tell me? I thought we're friends."

"Jookyung, told me to keep it a secret---"

"A secret?" She scoffs. "Am I not trusted?" She bumped her shoulder on mines and walk away. I sat on a bench in the side of the campus and started to scroll t the comments again. "Noona..."

"Oh, Juyoung...How are you?" He sat beside me. "I feel down." 

"Me too...I wish your sister is okay..."


Seojun invited me to join him and his gang to search for the webmaster, we all sat in a table of a restaurant but Seojun and I were busy scrolling through the comment section not realizing everyone looking at us. 

I finally gave up reading the shitty comment section and was startled when I realized them staring at us. "What?" I asked coldly. "Nothing, we can't believe you two are a couple HEHEHEHEHEHEHE...."

"HEHE..." I sarcastically replied and took a sip on my juice. Seojun was still quiet. "Did you find the Webmaster?" I asked him. "I'm not talking to you." He replied.

"OOOoooOoOOoOOhhHhHHhHhhhhhhHHHH~ A lover's quarrel~" Everyone said in unison.

"What? Why? What did I do?" He didn't answered and I scoffed. 


I received a text from Suho. "Oh, Jookyung is found, Suho said that she just got home." I told them. "Okay." He said coldly. "Ya! What did I did to you to be treated like this?" I almost grabbed his collar. "You called me a friend you idiot." He mumbled but we heard it.

"Did Han Seojun got friend-zoned?" Chorong teased. "Aish, shut your mouths it's not helping!" He yelled. 

"How dare you call me idiot, you were the one who told everyone we're together without telling me." I replied. Seojun looked away. 


I checked my phone and I almost dropped it. "Oh...my."

"What? Did you find the Webmaster?" Seojun asked and snatched my phone. 

The Webmaster posted a new news, but it was about me. My past in Daegu, that I was a bully, that I threatened a student and a teacher...I got framed and everything.

Seojun stared at me. "What a bunch of bullshit. We really need to find the webmaster ASAP." 

"I can't believe Sujin did this...I gotta go." I snatched back my phone from Seojun and stood up. "Where you going?" Chorong asked. "Home." I replied and was about to walk away.

Seojun stopped me by grabbing my arm. "I'll take you home."

"I'll just use the cab." I said but he insisted. "It's late and dangerous."

"Fine. Make it fast."


Seojun took me home. I took off his helmet and gave it to him. "Thanks for the ride." My voice shaken. He pulled me to a hug. "What are you doing?" I asked while holding my tears back. "This is what boyfriends do when their girlfriends are upset right?" He patted my head.

"I don't remember agreeing to be your girlfriend." I added. "Aish, don't you want me to be your boyfriend? I'm handsome and everything!"

"You're making me cringe more." I sarcastically said and pushed him away. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." He said. "I have to go now. You should too." I told him. "Are you concern about your boyfriend?" He smiles. My facial expression cringe. "Aish, you're a head ache." I laughed and went inside.

My face is buried on a pillow when I received a call from Suho.

..............Phone Call....................

"Oh, Suho you called."

"Are you okay, I saw the post."

"I'm fine."

"No you're not. Stop lying to me."

"If you knew the real answer why'd you ask?"

"I just want it to come from you."

"I'm going to sleep now. Bye."

.........End Call.............

I went to knocked on Jookyung's house. Ken wasn't home and mom isn't home yet. I left a note saying that I'll be at the Lim's house.

Juyoung opened the door. "Noona, are you okay? I saw the post..." I immediately hugged him which caught him off guard, I started to sob. "Thank you for your concern. Can I stay here for a while?"

Juyoung let me in their house.

Mrs. Lim came towards us. "Oh, Kyla? How can we help you?" She greeted. "A place to stay for the night....if that's okay...."

"Ofcourse...You can sleep on Jookyung's bedroom. " She said. I went upstairs and knocked on her door. "Jookie, it's me Kyla." She quickly opened it and pulled me in. 

"How are you?" I asked her. "Have you eaten?" She shook her head. "I'm not hungry...Why're you here?" She asks. 

"Did you saw the news?" I asked. "I didn't even held my phone phone the whole day." She answered. I sat on her bed. "Check it out, trust me...You're not the main headline anymore."

She grabbed her phone and gasp. "It's...It's you..."

I lay down. "I know. Can I sleep here?" She nodded. "Ofcourse."

"Maybe we should have a slumber party tonight and have ice cream and cry all night." I jokingly said and she laughs.


I woke up early and saw mom made me breakfast, I also went to school after that. As I walk pass the gates everyone started to whisper. 

"I can't believe she got accepted here."

"She's a nightmare dressed like an Angel."

"She suits her friendship with Jookyung." 

I sighed. I saw some of Jookyung's poster with drawings on her face. I rip it off and went to class but the whispering is still going. 

"I heard she's Seojun's girlfriend."

"She doesn't deserve him!"

"What a fool."

I entered the room seeing Taehoon dancing cutely at Su-ah and Seojun with Suho beside him standing in front of me. "My eyes already need cleansing." Seojun said. 

"Hey, guys, guys! It's Kyla!" Everyone hushed down and looked at me. "Yes, I'm still alive why are you all staring?" I said. 

"Why are you here?" Suho asked

"You went to school?" Seojun asked.

"Obviously, why shouldn't I?" I walk pass them and went to my seat. "Yah! Quit staring!" Seojun yelled and everyone obeyed. 

Su-ah went to me. "Kyla..."

"I think you better not get close to me, I don't want you hurt." I told her.

"Guys, take your seats for the morning assembly."

Everyone went back to their chairs.

"Once again, Jookyung is absent today." Mr. Han said. Mr. Han caught my eye.

Suho looked tired and sad. "Don't worry Suho...She's fine." I whispered to him. 

"Mr. Han will be choosing a new face for our school?"

"Kids have been wondering."


"How can Jookyung be the face of our school?"

Suho and my head turns to them and gave them a glare. I noticed Seojun's eyes on me.

"You must know how she feels right now, I'm so disappointed to all of you. I can see that no one is concern about her. Is she just a joke to you?" 

I stood up. "Mr. Han I don't feel good. I'm going to the clinic." I said. "Are you sure you don't want to go home?" Mr. Han asked. "Nope, because I still need to face the person who's behind all of this. I just couldn't stay here, because of these people." I replied and walked out.

I didn't went to the clinic instead, I'm walking around the campus. "Unnie!"

"Go Woon, why are you not in class?" She ran towards me. "I ask to go to the bathroom, I saw the posts." 

"I'll take care of it, it's my own problem. Just go study." I pat her head. "But it's so cruel! If I found out the Webmaster, I'll pull his or her hair till she cries for help."

I laughed at her reaction. "You're alot like your brother, both crazy." She chuckled. "So, you're his girlfriend?" I chuckled. "Maybe...Anyways, go back to class stop asking questions."


It's break time and I was washing my hands in the bathroom when Sujin entered. She stops for a second but proceeds walking towards the sink and started washing her hands. 

"How could you?" She didn't speak. "Are we a bad friend to you?" I asked and she stops the faucet. "Why do you care so much, you deserve it." 

I scoffed. "I deserve it?" She turns to face me. "You told Suho that it was me right? You sided with Jookyung, you knew all along about Jookyung and Suho dating and you also knew about how I feel yet...You made me look like an idiot by not telling me." 

"Cause you are a idiot, we all made mistake, we're not perfect, we deserve second chances and everyone got a sob stories so stop acting like you're the victim here because one fucking day, you'll get what you...Deserve." I bumped my shoulder to hers and left.

I stayed at the clinic and did not attend classes. When it was lunch time I went outside the clinic, went downstairs and saw a crowd in the Freshman floor. Seojun is grabbing a freshman on the arms with her back on the wall. Go Woon looks like she got into a fight and Juyoung is beside her.

Wait...she and Juyoung got into a fight?

I quickly went down the stairs. "You'll take the video of Jookyung and all of the posts about Kyla down right?" Seojun asked and the girl nodded.

"She's the webmaster?" Everyone once again looked at me. "Unnie..." Go Woon said. "Oh, Noona."Juyoung said.

"She's the girl from Daegu right?"

"She got some nerve to go here."

"Why don't you all shut your mouths!" Go Woon said. I held her shoulder to calm her down. "One more word, I'll kill you all." Seojun added and turn his head to me. "She is the Webmaster." He replied.


Seojun got scolded by Go Woon after the scene he created a while ago while I scold Juyoung for getting to a fight. The videos were taken down and I went to see Mr. Han.

"Sem, I need to talk to you."

"Sure, sure. What is it?"

"Can you not tell my mother about the posts, it'll only worry her. The posts will be taken down anyway. I'm fine just please don't tell her." I begged. He sighed. "This is a serious matter Kyla, are you sure?"

I nodded. "My mom, is a fighter. She may sue the person behind all of this and the whole school. We may not be that rich but...She won't take a second to sue." He gulped. "R-Really?" 


I left the faculty with a smile, Mr. Han's reaction is so funny. But I didn't lie, it's the truth my mom is like an amazon warrior believe me. I checked my phone and Seojun texted that the videos and posts have been taken down which makes me smile more, I was about to enter the room since it's the end of the school when I saw Suho bumped to Sujin and Su-ah. 

Suho ignored her and walk away. I took a deep breath and walk towards the entrance of the classroom which where Sujin and Su-ah is. "Oh, wait Kyla..." Su-ah grabbed my arm.

"Can we hang out?" She asked. Sujin stared at me. "I'm sorry, I don't hang out with backstabbers...Right Sujin?" I replied and went inside the room, I went to my desk to get my bag but it was gone. 

"Looking for this?" Behind me is Seojun with my bag on his shoulder. "I thought it was stolen." I said an was about to grab it when he refused to give it. "What do you want? I'm not in the mood." 

"I'll take you home." He replied. "What? Why?" I asked. He tilted his head. "What if someone bully you or attack you and I wasn't there?" 

"Then I'll attack back." I replied sarcastically but he didn't laugh, he was serious. "Aish, you're scaring me...Let's go." I dragged him outside by his arm and everyone in the hall started whispering. I quickly let go and proceed to walk. 

"Yah! Yah! Yah!" Seojun said and grabbed my hand, he intertwined his fingers to mine. "Let's go." He pulled me to his side and everyone gasps. He wears a poker face while my heart wanted to jump out of my mouth!


"Why'd you do that? I never knew we were dating! How could this be happening!" We were on our way to the parking lot while I complain what happened.

"Aish, stop whinning." He said. "How could I stop? I never knew you liked me, I thought you like Jookyung..." I mumbled. "So...You want me to court you first?" He suddenly asked and I was caught off guard. He walked faster now, we're standing beside his bike.

"I- I Mean-- Nevermind..." He immediately said. "Yes I want that..." I said and looked away.  I saw him secretly smiled. "Here." He gave his helmet. "Where are we going?" I asked while wearing his helmet.

"A date."


𝙸𝚏 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚞𝚜, true beautyWhere stories live. Discover now