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Seojun said. It's been said that he's leaving for USA and as his friend and also as Jookyung's friend I wanted to be there. I didn't know if I'm too late but I need to see him, he became an another older brother for me.

I looked everywhere and stopped when I saw Jookyung kneeling on the floor being comforted by Seojun. It hurts to see Jookie crying but I know that she'll be fine, I also Suho on the escalator on the way to the airplane. 

I waited for Seojun and Jookyung to leave, Seojun brought Jookyung home with his arms around her and when they did I hurriedly run to the escalator to say goodbye to Suho.

 "Hey, miss! Stop right there! That's for passengers only!" I heard one of the airport staff shout.

Suho was so close to enter the airplane. "Suho-yah!" I yelled and he turned around. Many security guards are chasing me after what I did and I ran as fast as I could. "Oh, Kyla?" Suho said.

I quickly hugged him and the guards almost dragged me away when Suho stopped them. "It's okay...I know her." I hugged him tight while panting, he hugged me back. "You can be an athlete, you know?" He jokingly said. I laughed. "I know...I'm gonna miss you..." I said.

"Suho we need to go." 

I let go of him and he ruffled my hair. "Study well dongsaeng, and if Seojun annoys you...kick him on the leg for me." He smiles before walking away. 

And that's the last time I saw him...


"No, I cannot accept this!" Jookyung said while crying like a baby, she hugged me tight and doesn't want to let go even if Su-ah and Taehoon tried to dragged her away. "Aish, Lim Jookyung let go of my girlfriend!" Seojun said. 

"It'll only be for a 2 months Jookie~ I need to see my brother graduate." I told her. "No!~" She said, everyone in the airport is staring at us because of her. "Drag her away, drag her away.' Seojun told them.

"Will you be sad when I left?" I asked him. "Shut up and attend the goddamn graduation and return your ass back here." He replied. I cupped his cheeks with my hands. "I'll call you when I land, okay?" I told him, he sighed and held my hands to remove from his face. "I love you." I kissed him. "I love you too."



??? POV

I was doodling on my notebook before class started. "Hey, want to hang out later dude?" He asked me. "Sure." I replied. After some time in Korea I'm back in USA to finish my school. "Hey, hey, hey guys." One of my friend came running towards our classroom and sat infront of me. "Have you seen the new senior highschool transfer student from Korea? She's hella hot!" Jacob said. 

"So, what?" I asked them. I'm not really interesting in dating but I'm waiting for true love, sounds cheesy right? I've dated many girls but they somehow end up being a nitpicky or a cheater so, I stopped for a while. 

"Hey, dude. She's your type. Great body, pretty face but...Kind of cold aura." Jacob said. "Cold?" Mike asked. "Yes, she gave me a death glare when I tried to hit on her." Jacob sighed. "So, it's definetly you're type." They both looked at me. 

"Not gonna happen." I said putting my arms in the air.


I'm grabbing my tray of food when I bumped onto someone and all the food is on her. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I said, I didn't know how to help since she's a girl and the food is on her chest. 

𝙸𝚏 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚞𝚜, true beautyWhere stories live. Discover now