Camping gone wrong...Love Square ended?!

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But, I had a fever, my mom wanted me to rest and not go camping but I was hard-headed and went anyway.  We're outside waiting for the bus to arrive. Taehoon and Su-ah was wearing a couple outfit. "I should really get a girlfriend." Hyu-gyu sighed. Seojun arrived wearing the same shirt as  Jook-yung...I got jealous but kept it to myself. "Are you guys dating???" They asked. "Hey Suho~" Sujin said. Seojun and Suho are giving a death glares at each other. My jacket was not thick as theirs so, I'm freezing to death. "Kyla-ssi are you cold?" Su-ah asked as I keep blowing my hands. "Here, change." Suho said and handling me a jacket that's just like his. "B-Bo?" I asked. 

"Are you 2 dating too?!" Everyone gasped. Suho insisted me to wear the jacket. We went inside the bus, Suho asked Jook-yung to sit with him but Sujin ruined it. "You're sitting on the front, let me sit with you." Jook-yung walked pass Suho's chair. I was about to follow Jook-yung when Suho grabbed my arm and pulled me to the seat next to his. Sujin just sat somewhere at the back. "What's wrong with you?" I asked him. "Stop pretending that you're also not jealous..." He responded coldly and put his earphones on.

He's right...I mean, he is right. 

I prepared some of my medicine pill on my palm, grabbed a water and swallowed it. "Are you sick?" Suho asked. I nodded. "Ne, just a light one. I got overly excited and had a fever."

"You shouldn't have come...did you bring your inhaler?" He said and asked again. I showed him my emergency inhaler. "I got ready, don't worry." I smiled at him. "And, I don't have an asthma...I just had a trauma that's it.

We set up our tents and played the lie detector game. 

"Kim Shi Hyun. Do you think of yourself as a princess?" Hyun-gyu asked.

"No way!" 


"AGHHHHHH!!!" She shouted and we all hit her on the head. 

"Lee Suho, have you kissed before?" Kim Shi Hyun asked the speechless Suho."Answer faster!" I shouted.

"1...2...3!" We all hit him.

Suho slide the lie detector to Seojun. "Love or Friendship?" He asked. Seojun chuckled. "Love."


"Gosh, you're so cheesy!" I said and hit him then everyone copied. 

Sujin was next. "Am I handsome?" Seojun asked. Lazily Sujin answered. "Yes..."


"Lier!" And we hit her. 

"Su-ah! Yoo Taehoon or Eighteen?" Sujin asked.

"Ofcourse, Taehoon-ah darling~"


"Hit them!" Hyu-gyu shouted.

"Lim Jook-yung. Is there someone you like?" Su-asked. She placed her hand. "Ne!" 


"You lied!" Su-ah shouted. I turn my gaze to Suho and Seojun. We all hit her.

"Kyla-ssi! Same question!" Jook-yung asked me. I sighed and placed my hand on the lie detector. I felt Suho's eyes on me. 

I gulped. "I don't like anyone..."


"Aish!" They said and hit me. 

"Yoo Taehoon! Have you ever wanted to break-up with Su-ah?" I asked.

𝙸𝚏 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚞𝚜, true beautyWhere stories live. Discover now