Best Friends: Love Square

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I was really stressed knowing that the card giving day "Lee Suho." The teacher called out. Suho got the 1st ranked and Sujin got the second.

"Guess who got the 3rd place~" The teacher smiled. "It's no other than Kyla~" I stood up and claimed my card. "Not bad crazy-monkey." Seojun complimented. It was also the parent-teacher conference today.

"Suho! Lee Jooheon is your father?" Everyone was surprised but it only irritated Suho as he stormed out of the room furiously mad. I looked at Seojun. "Is it true?" I whispered to him. He nodded. "Sujin-ah, you knew?" Su-ah asked excitedly.

"Ne, he doesn't actually like this kind of attention that's why he kept it a secret." Sujin answered.


Jook-yung and her Unnie decided to invite me for a dry Sauna. "What Jook-yung taking so long." Unnie complained. "Is she lost or something?" I asked. I stood up to check on her when I got face to face Chorong and Seojun. "Oh crazy-monkey." He said. I looked behind them and saw Jook-yung facing the wall like a lunatic.

"Do you know that girl?" Chorong asked as I keep looking at Jook-yung."Ani, she looks like she just escaped the mental hospital..." I laughed awkwardly.

Kyla...think...think...think of a plan!

"Oh, is that Cha Eunwoo!" I shouted and they both quickly turned around giving Jookie time to escaped. "Where?" Seojun asked. I winked at Jookie as she escaped. "Ah, I thought that was him hehe...did you guys ate dinner?" I changed the subject. "Not yet, I'm hungry." Chorong responded.

"You're always hungry." Seojun snapped back. "Let's eat! My treat!" I held both of their hands and exited the Sauna.

"Are you 2 dating?" Chorong asked as he eats. "Ani, we're just friends." I answered looking down.

Gosh, that hurts.

"We're not just friends, she's my girl best friend, right?" Seojun said happily. I chuckled and nodded. "Ah, I just thought..." Chorong spoke.

(Time Skip)

Chorong got home and Seojun decided to walk me to my house.

"The difference between girlfriend and girl friend is that the 1st one means of how you felt for...Jook-yung."

Even saying her name hurts...

"And the 2nd one a sister, like Gowoon." I explained. He nodded as if he understand it. "Have you ever liked someone?" He asked again. "Me?" He nodded. "Hmm, ne...he's a jerk, he told me he likes my friend." I replied.

"Wae? Who is that? I'll hunt him down!~" He said and I laughed. "You can punch him all you want." I chuckled.

As if you could punch your own face.

"You're father is a producer at Move Entertainment right?" He asked. I nodded. "Ne...but we lost contact with him when he left us for another woman..."

"Oh, I didn't know..." He said.

I looked down and found out that Seojun's shoelace is not tied. "Oh, you're shoelaces." I pointed, I chuckled and kneeled down to fix that. "Is this really necessary?" He asked.

"You're so fragile like a kid. You need someone to tie your own shoes...I hope that you're future girlfriend will take care of you, cause if she didn't I'll hunt her down my own." I said. I stood up and he just stared at me. "What?" I asked.

𝙸𝚏 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚞𝚜, true beautyWhere stories live. Discover now