Accident and the New student

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It was her break from work and we had lunch together. " honest with me." She spoke. "Why? What happened?" I asked. "Do you have a boyfriend?" She asked and I chocked from my food. "Do you?" She repeated. I shook my head. "No! I don't have...anyone..." I answered. "You have a crush on someone? Is it Suho?" She said. I gave her a disgusted face. "Mom, he's like a brother to me and he already have girlfriend!" 

"Ahhh...what about Seojun?" She teased. I gave her a fake smile. "He like...Jookie." I looked down. "I see..." She mumbled. "I need to go now, I'll be late." Mom said, she pays for the food and we both went outside then she left for work. I'm about to cross the street when I saw Suho and Seojun, Seojun was grabbing Suho's collar. 

What's with them? Are they fighting in public?

I called a taxi to left. I was looking outside my window when someone called me.



>Miss Kyla?

Ne. Wae?

>Han Seojun is at the **** hospital right now, he's mother and sister is not answering our call. You're the 3rd person in his contact for emergency.

B-Bo? He's at the hospital?

>Ne, with a guy named Suho who also got hit by a car-


I ended the call. "Ajussi, please head to **** Hospital now!" I told the driver. I held my head.

What's happening? Why?

I soon got out of the taxi and hurriedly went inside the hospital. I looked around and ran towards the receptionist. "Han Seojun and Lee Suho." I asked. "They're at the operation room right now." She replied. I run my fingers through my hair and cried. "Unnie!" I turned around and saw Gowoon, she hugged me.


Gowoon fell asleep beside me, I put on my coat on her while I kept waiting. "Miss Kyla...the operation is done." I woke Gowoon up. "Gowoon-ah, the operation is done." She stood up and ran to the room where Seojun and Suho is in. I only peaked from the door and saw he's okay, I didn't show myself.

As long as he's okay...I'm okay.


Gowoon's POV

"Oppa!" I shouted and went to his bedside. Suho-oppa is also there. "What are you doing here?" I slowly hugged him. "I got a call." I answered. "Unnie and I are waited outside." I showed him Kyla-unnie's coat. "Unnie? Kyla?" He asked. I nodded but I realized taht she's not with me and left. 

"Oh...she left?" I looked outside the room. I saw her walking on the hallway. I ran to her. "Unnie where you going?" I pulled her arm and dragged her inside the room.

End Of Gowoon's POV


Gowoon pulled me inside the room. "You're here." Suho said. "I was worried..." I replied. "What're you doing here?" Seojun asked. "I also receive a phone call...The hospital said I was 3rd in your contacts for emergency..." I responded. "3rd? Jinja?" Gowoon teased. "Aish, yah Gowoon...go home! Do you know what time is it?" Seojun shouted. 

"Kyla was the 3rd person on your contacts?" Suho also joined teasing Seojun. "I'll punch you in the face!" He said. "If you can." Suho replied. 

Gowoon went home and I headed to the hospital cafeteria to grab some food to eat. I contacted mom and Ken that I will be at the Hospital so, they won't worry if I got home late. I was holding my tray heading back and I saw Suho outside the room on a wheel chair. "Do you need help?" I asked him. He smiled. "Ani, I can do it...could you just open the door though?"

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