In the end

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 "Stop overreacting, it's not that hard." I whispered to him. "We've been together for a year now, I know your strength..." He says as he held his arm.

"Getting married is no joke...Anyways, remember my brother Ken? He's Sujin's boyfriend." He chocked at what I said. "What?" He said while smiling. "Really?" He added and I nodded.

"They may get married...We should get ahead of them!" He said.

"Shut it!"

"Are you saying you won't marry me?"

"I-...It's not like that!"

"So, are you saying yes to my proposal?!"

"Aish..." I rolled my eyes.


Today's the wedding, did you know that Suho and Jookyung got together again? How? Well, Jokyung told me the side of her story.

"He keeps following me, everywhere he went...He's there!"

"I met a guy, I dropped my strawberry yogurt and he picked it up...He told me his girlfriend loves Strawberry!"

"He was so sweet! I missed Suho..."

And the other side of the story...

"I'm glad I'm able to contact you...How are you?"

"I met Jookyung, trying to win her back. I saw the other night..."

"I'm in the hospital because Jookyung had...Something going on..."

"Anyways, she's fine...It's nothing serious, it's just about her not passing gas..."

I laughed at Suho's side of the story! What a bad luck for Jookyung, she must be embarrassed. But, their love is inevitable, I know, I know love has it's ups and downs but in the end...It's still love.

"Suho! Seojun! My bestfriends!" Taehun high-fived both Seojun who went with me and Suho with Jookyung. Su-ah's arm in on Taehun's arm, clinging onto him. 

"You 2 look really pretty!" Su-ah told us.

"You prettier than me!" I said.

"Stop flattering me...It's true though." She replied, Jookyung also thanked her and said that she too looks pretty tonight.

Sujin also arrived with...Guess what...

"Ken-oppa!" I exclaimed.

"Wah, you're brother is serious with her..." Seojun whispered.

"It's nice to see you again..." Sujin said.

"You...You two are dating?" Su-ah and Taehun said in unison.

I'm glad that everything's okay now, like I feel like I achieve something great in my life, I was once a newcomer, then I met them...In the end we're still have each other as friends, I remembered when Jook-yung was held hostage by the gangsters and we fought them...Though we got detention for that.


Today is Seojun's debut day, we all came to support him. He sings very well, of course I know that. I remembered when he sang at the festival, time flew so fast.

At the back stage, Seojun came to talk to me. "Congratulations!" I squealed and hug him tight. "You looked so handsome and cool on stage!"

"I know, even if it's off-stage." He flicked his hair. "Oh by the way..." He reached to his pocket revealing a velvet box and gave it to me.

"What's this? You don't have to, I should've brought you too..."

"It's okay, you being here and supporting me is enough already." He smiled. I opened the box and I saw a cute scrunchie.

"Remember when Jookyung took my helmet? Because of that helmet, we met each other and got close...I was falling for you."

He held up my face.

"Kyla, will you marry me?"

"What? But you just debuted! What're you doing!" I punch lightly his arm.

"Why? We can be engaged, wait for me..."

"Yes..." I answered.

"What? I can't hear you."

"I said yes!" I yelled and was about to run away when he grabbed my arm and kissed me.

"I love you."

"I love you too."



AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I don't want this book to end! This is my very 1st book, I just can't huhu.

I love the happy ending of True Beauty series though, Seojun didn't get the ending he deserved so this is it, I also gave Ken to Sujin so, basically everyone have partnerssss and met their mother-freakin happy ending!

Thank you for  reading my book! I'm truly thankful! I love you guys!

𝙸𝚏 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚞𝚜, true beautyWhere stories live. Discover now