Made of Glass

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...and he sang in public for me, many people watched because of his voice and obviously his face, anyways it was great!

After the weekend, another day at school came. I texted Seojun to not pick me up because I have some errands to do but in reality, I was waiting for the clothes store to open, I went there early to buy new clothes and I also bought extra accessories because it's buy one take one!

I first went home to drop the paper bags before running off to school. As I enter the classroom everyone is on their phone. 

"I can't believe she's the one who posted it."

"What kind of friend is she!"

They know that it was Soojin?

I immediately checked my phone and my eyes widen as I saw the article. Soojin's face is posted on it and says that she was the one who posted all the videos, it was full of harsh comments. 

Everyone is staring at her, she got tears in the corner of her eyes then she caught my eye. I looked away and proceed to walk to my chair. Suho looks concern while staring at Soojin, Seojun looked at me then stared at Soojin also. 

Soojin stood up and ran out of the room while Jookyung chase after her. I cursed under my breath and also followed them. 

"Things will never be the same!" I heard Soojin said while Jookyung is holding her hand she then left Jookyung by walking away. "Soojin!" I shouted and she stopped walking. "I know how it feels...But I wanted you to know that I'll always forgive you." She didn't looked back at us and left. 

"We should go back now Jookyung..."


??? POV

I was on my home from the coffee shop, I have both my earphones on and I was also humming. I should be missing school right now but it's too tiring to be missed so, I enjoy the time I left here before going back.

While crossing the street saw a girl crying, she was on her knees and crying silently, I thought she was robbed or something so, I decided to check up on her. When I got close, I recognized the uniform she's wearing. 

She saw me staring and stood up, wiping her tears. "A-Are you okay?" I asked.

Soojin POV

"A-Are you okay?" I ignored his question by ignoring him. He was maybe about 6 ft tall, have a well build body and a foreign. His face reminds of someone but I couldn't pin point it. 

He suddenly trying to reach something from his pocket and I ready myself just incase he's a pervert, I felt relieved when he took out a handkerchief. "Here." He said. "I don't know if you really need it but everytime I watched K-dramas, I saw guys giving this."

I just stared at what he said. "Anyways...I'm going to place it here. He puts his handkerchief in the side. "Well nice meeting you...Soojin? Soojin." He said as he looks at my name tag. He bowed and left.

For a minute, my mind was empty...I couldn't move and I didn't know what to do. It took a while before I move again, I stared at the handkerchief but did not touch it and just left.


Kyla's POV

𝙸𝚏 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚞𝚜, true beautyWhere stories live. Discover now