Jealousy, Jealousy

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"Everything looks delicious~" I sang. "Yah, Kyla. Stop drooling." Su-ah chuckled.

We went to our table. "Hi guys, I'm starving." Su0ah said and we all sat, beside me is Jookyung and infront is Sujin with...Hye Min. I looked at Jookyung who look terrified.

"Sujin-ah, who's she?" Su-ah asked. "Oh, this is Hye Min. We have class together, so I invited her to join us." Sujin says with her smile that is so full of danger. "I see. Hi~" Su-ah said to Hye Min. 

"So, you have class together? More like doing it on purpose." I said on a quiet voice."What's that?" Sujin asked, I just smiled sarcastically. "Nothing. Nice meeting you again, Hye Min." 

"You don't seem familiar though. Did you transfer? From which school?" Su-ah asked.

Shit...Su-ah why did you ask????

Sujin stared at Jookyung. "Yeongpa Highschool." I clenched my hands on my wooden-disposable chopsticks. "Is that so?" Jookyung said with a shaken voice. "Another student from  Yeongpa High School?" Su-ah added, with a cringe on her face.

"Jookyung, the bullies that dragged you away...were from that school too." Su-ah scoffed in disgust. I'm guessing on Sujin's next move because she have this expression in her face that will make the table flip.

"Jookyung, you transferred school as well right? From which one?" Sujin asked Jookyung. "I transferred too, why don't you ask me?" I said. 

"Well we're not interested on you, I'm asking Jookyung." Sujin said. "Well, I'm not interested in your question either, it's none sense." I replied. 

"You're right, I don't think you told us Jookyung." Su-ah said. "My school's far away from here." Jookyung replied. Sujin smirked. "Hey, don't you know me?" Hye Min finally speak.

"I have a classmate name Jookyung too, you look alot like her." Hye Min added. "No, I'm not from there, I don't care if we look alike but I'm not from Yeongpa High so, don't be mistaken."

Jookyung said it harshly that makes her looks like the bad person in this table. "S-Sorry..." Hye Min apologizes. "Don't need to be harsh." Su-ah told Jookyung.

Jookyung said her stomachs aching so, she left. Sujin won but I won't let that happen easily. "So, I heard...Suho and Jookyung will have a date later. They're so perfect for each other, Jookyung is the perfect girl for him...right Sujin?" I asked Sujin with a smirked.

Sujin's smile dropped at my question, it's like I wipe the shitty smile from her face, drained happiness and anger in her eyes. She gave me a death glare, we're silent because of the intense aura happening. I sighed. "As I thought." I stood up. "Excuse me, my appetite has been ruined by backstabbers and assuming people." I told them before walking out of the cafeteria.


This is karma! Is it wrong defending my friend? Now my stomach's aching, I didn't ate lunch. I'm walking in the halls when I bumped to Seojun. "Yah! Look where you going!"

"Aish, too noisy!" I said covering his mouth. He took off my hand and threw it away. "I don't feel good..." I sighed and forgot that Seojun's infront of me. "Do you need your inhaler?" He asks. I shook my head. "I'm just hungry." I scratched y head and was about to walk pass him when he grab my arm. "Here, it's a nutrition drink." He gave me his juice that hasn't been opened and walked away. 

"Did he just- Nevermind." I said and also left.


It's night time and I was going home, I know that Jookyung have work so, I hang out with 
Su-ah but ended up being a 3rd wheel, that's why I went home. On my way towards my house, I saw a familiar face but instead of being happy to see that person, I was annoyed. 

I saw 3 girls and if I remember it correctly, they're Jookyung's bullies. I was about to confront them when I saw Seojun follow them, then I secretly followed him. We're close to Jookyung's house.

Are they trying to go to Jookyung's house?

"Se Mi." I stopped walking and listen intently. "Oh, Seojun?" She said. 

"What are you doing here?" Seojun asked coldly. We heard someone walking towards them so, Seojun dragged the Se Mi girl in a small alley. I hid a bit and watch them walk away, I followed them again.

"My gosh, Seojun!" I heard her yell. "Why do you want to meet Jookyung?" I stopped walking at Seojun's question. "I haven't seen her a while so, I wanted to catch up." She said. "You wanted to catch up?" He asks. "I turns out I know her." She was about to took out her phone.

𝙸𝚏 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚞𝚜, true beautyWhere stories live. Discover now