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_______"SO, HE'S THE GUY?" I ASKED.

 "Is there a problem with it?" Ken asked. "No, nothing's just really, really unexpected..." I replied. 

"I didn't know he's your brother since I never met you brother." Sujin said. "Anyways, you look good together." I said. "I know, right?" Ken chuckled. 

"Now, I believed that Love really is blind." I laughed and Ken got annoyed. "Aren't you gonna be somewhere else shorty?" Ken asked. I rolled my eyes. "Right, I'm on my way to the eye center." I replied.


"I miss you...When are you going home? I thought after the graduation you're home~" Seojun whines on the phone call. " I will be home don't worry...What're you doing right now?" I asked him.

"We're on a break for 30 minutes then we will be back on practicing... You?" He answered. "Studying..." I replied while I highlight the main word on my book. I studied online because of my hectic schedule and I don't know what University I should enter since my life is in Korea but the Universities I want to enter is in USA.

"I shouldn't bother you then, why'd you didn't tell me earlier?" He said. "I just miss you too, that's why..." I replied and he became silent. "Yah, don't tell me your blushing there Han Seojun?" I giggled.

"Y-Yah, I-I'm not..." He replied. "You're cute..." I added. "Yah, stop it...I gonna go now." He said. "Okay, bye...Love you~" I teased.

"Aish...Love you too." 


"You two broke up?!"

"Kyla-ssi, calm down. Maybe it's for the best..." Jookyung was telling about her relationship with Suho and guess what? They freaking broke up. "But, you two have been through alot and then you're gonna break up? What kind of shit is that?" I said.

"Well, that's it...How about you? How are you? How's America?" She asked. I'm actually fixing my bag cause' I could go home early back to Korea to surprise everyone. "Well...Oh! I met Sujin here!" I excitedly squealed.

"Wait...What?!" She yelled that almost break my eardrums. "Yes, she's doing well and she asked about you too. She also have a boyfriend..." I said and added my shoes to my bag.

"Wait, wait, wait...Again, again...Oh my gosh..." I laughed at her reaction and lay down on my bed. "Who?" She squealed. "It's my...My..." I said.

"Oh come on~~~" She whined. "Remember my bro?" I chuckled. "He's the guy?" She asked. "Yup..." I replied. "Like, oh my...Imagine them getting married---"

I didn't let her finish. "Hey, no! I feel bad for Sujin..." We both laughed.


I stepped on the grounds of South Korea again...I inhale the fresh air. "Ahhhhh, Korea my love~" I sighed. I didn't tell anyone that I'm coming home.


YUUUUPPPP I'M BACKKK!~~~ This chapter is sooo short I know I know cause this is just a filler chapter so yeah byeee

𝙸𝚏 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚞𝚜, true beautyWhere stories live. Discover now